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Dec 6, 2023





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Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university HIM 112L Snomed Electronic Health Records Software Application (Hagerstown Community College) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university HIM 112L Snomed Electronic Health Records Software Application (Hagerstown Community College) Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539
Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) Student instructions 1. If you have questons about this actvity, please contact your instructor for assistance. 2. You will review the chart of Melinda Goble to complete this actvity. Your instructor has provided you with a link to the SNOMED CT (AS) actvity. Click on 2: Launch EHR to review the patent chart and begin this actvity. 3. Refer to the patent chart and any suggested resources to complete this actvity. 4. Document your answers directly on this actvity document as you complete the actvity. When you are fnished, you will save this actvity document to your device and upload this actvity document with your answers to your Learning Management System (LMS). Background SNOMED CT, or the Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms, is a clinical terminology set used to record patent data to facilitate decision-making and analytcs. It strives to be the global standard and has over 30 contributng member countries working to create a common language to exchange health informaton clearly and accurately. SNOMED CT is specifc and comprehensive, currently containing more than 300,000 medical concepts, divided into hierarchies.[ CITATION SNO18 \l 1033 ] Each concept is represented by an individual number and several concepts can be used simultaneously to describe a complex conditon. By using numbers to represent medical concepts, SNOMED CT provides a standard by which medical conditons and symptoms can be referred to internatonally. SNOMED CT is designed to be managed by a computer. It's not just a fat list of numbers and corresponding terms. It's a complex relatonship of concepts. These concepts are shown in the image below. EHR Go Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) HAK1008.2 1 Archetype Innovations LLC ©2021 Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539
Image from Snow Owl User Guide [ CITATION Sno18 \l 1033 ] SNOMED CT maps to other internatonal standards such as ICD-10. If SNOMED is not implemented in the EHR, an online mapping tool can be used. You’ll be exploring the use of I- MAGIC as part of this actvity, and many other optons exist. SNOMED CT vs. ICD SNOMED CT is diferent from ICD-10. SNOMED CT is clinical terminology designed for direct use by healthcare providers during the process of providing care. It is designed for input of problems, encounter diagnosis, procedures, health history, and smoking status. SNOMED CT is more granular and includes more than 300,000 concepts, 790,000 descriptons, 19 hierarchies, and 920,000 relatonships. ICD codes, on the other hand, are designed to be used by coding professionals once the episode of care (the encounter) is completed. The code captures the diagnosis or problem. ICD codes are designed for output and billing. ICD-10 currently includes more than 150,000 codes. [ CITATION Hel13 \l 1033 ] SNOMED CT and Electronic Health Records When talking about SNOMED CT in terms of use with an Electronic Health Record (EHR), SNOMED CT improves communicaton and increases the availability of health informaton. If clinical informaton is stored in the EHR in ways that allow consistent, meaning-based retrieval (structured data entry), the benefts are greatly increased. The added benefts range from increased opportunites for real-tme decision support to more accurate retrospectve reportng for research and management. EHR Go Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) HAK1008.2 2 Archetype Innovations LLC ©2021 Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539
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Visit the SNOMED Internatonal website to understand the benefts to individuals, populatons, and health care decisions: htps://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/why-should-i-get-snomed-ct . SNOMED CT and Requirements As part of Meaningful Use Stage 2, 2014 EHR certfcaton criteria designates the use of SNOMED CT for problems. This came at a similar tme when facilites were to update from using ICD-9 to ICD-10. Mapping programs from one classifcaton system to another were developed to assist with the transiton. [ CITATION Hel13 \l 1033 ] Mapping Implementaton of SNOMED CT can help providers with the transiton to ICD-10 because computer systems can use SNOMED CT content to seamlessly generate ICD-10 codes. Computer systems designed for this purpose use a mapping system to suggest recommended ICD-10 codes based on SNOMED CT codes and, if applicable, additonal informaton obtained from the electronic patent record or from direct user input. The healthcare provider or professional coder should then review the recommended ICD-10 codes for accuracy. Clinical informaton recorded using SNOMED CT may include data that is relevant to reports, statstcal returns, billing claims, etc. that need to be encoded using a specifc code system or a statstcal classifcaton such as ICD-10. A simplifed example of mapping: EHR Go Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) HAK1008.2 3 Archetype Innovations LLC ©2021 Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539
The following is a screen shot of how a provider documents a patent’s problems in the EHR at an Indian Health Services (IHS) facility. In this example, the provider selects the SNOMED CT term that best fts the patent’s conditon (the input) with the EHR having automatcally mapped it to the appropriate ICD-10 code. Then the ICD-10 code is used for billing purposes (the output). The activity SNOMED CT is not incorporated into EHR Go. You’ll be using an external program to explore SNOMED with the EHR Go health record and mapping with ICD-10. 1. In EHR Go, select Step 2: Launch EHR. Select New Session to open the chart for Melinda Goble. 2. Go to the Problems tab. Melinda has four problems identfed in her chart. However, they do not have specifc codes assigned. Use the EHR to identfy the corresponding ICD- 10 codes. You may also use other resources such as textbooks and online websites. a. To use the EHR, select New when on the Problems tab. b. Type in the name of the problem in the Problem feld. A list of the possible ICD- 10 codes will appear. Choose the code/descripton that is most accurate. Fill the answer in the table below. EHR Go Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) HAK1008.2 4 Archetype Innovations LLC ©2021 Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539
c. Repeat for the additonal problems. There’s no need to save the problems in the chart - you’re just using it to look up the ICD-10 codes. 3. Use the I-MAGIC interactve program from the Natonal Insttutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, to determine the SNOMED code. I-MAGIC is a free, simple, online, interactve program that will assist in mapping with ICD-10. Copy and paste the following link into your internet browser to launch I-MAGIC: htps://imagic.nlm.nih.gov/imagic/code/map a. Enter the ICD-10 problem name (not code) in the Problem feld b. A dropdown list of SNOMED problems will appear. Select the one that most closely refects the ICD-10 code. c. Then select Get ICD Codes . Ensure the resultng ICD-10 code generated for the SNOMED problem matches what you determined in Step 2 above. If so, fll in the SNOMED code in the table below. EHR Go Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) HAK1008.2 5 Archetype Innovations LLC ©2021 Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539
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Questions 1. Complete the following table by entering the problem’s found in Melinda’s chart and the corresponding ICD-10 and SNOMED names and codes. Refer to the steps in the above Actvity secton to do so. Problem Name Problem Name & ICD-10 code SNOMED CT Name & Code Right Shoulder Pain Pain in right shoulder – M25.511 Pain of right shoulder joint (15917011000119100) Obesity Obesity, unspecifed – E66.9 Obesity (414916001) Hypertension Essental Hypertension – I10 Essental Hypertension (59621000) Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 or unspecifed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Unspecifed Complicaton – E11.8 Diabetes Mellitus type 2 - 44054006 2. What is SNOMED CT used for? SNOMED CT is used as a clinical terminology set that is used to record patent data 3. How is SNOMED CT diferent than ICD-10? Which is more robust? SNOMED CT is a clinical terminology set that is used by providers during the process of providing care. It is used for input of problems, encounter diagnosis, procedures, health history, etc. ICD- 10 is used once care is completed and is used for billing and captures the diagnosis and problems. The SNOMED CT is more robust. 4. Are there advantages to implementng both SNOMED CT and ICD-10 in the EHR? a. Yes, there are advantages to using both. SNOMED CT lays a foundaton for improving the quality of the clinical informaton captured in the EHR. 5. Are there disadvantages to using both? a. Yes, there is a disadvantage to using both SNOMED CT and ICD-10. 6. Is the use of SNOMED CT currently required by hospitals and clinics in the US? a. yes Submit your work EHR Go Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) HAK1008.2 6 Archetype Innovations LLC ©2021 Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539
Document your answers directly on this actvity document as you complete the actvity. When you are fnished, save this actvity document to your device and upload this actvity document with your answers to your Learning Management System (LMS). If you have any questons about submitng your work to your LMS, please contact your instructor. Learning objectives 1. Describe components of revenue cycle management and clinical documentaton improvement (2) 2. Evaluate revenue cycle processes (5) References Helwig, Amy. HealthITBuzz . 29 October 2013. 31 May 2018. <htps://www.healthit.gov/buzz- blog/electronic-health-and-medical-records/ehr-certfcaton-criteria-snomed-ct-doctors- transiton-icd10/>. SNOMED CT . 31 May 2018. 31 May 2018. <htps://www.snomed.org/about>. "Snow Owl User Guide." n.d. htp://b2i.sg/. 31 May 2018. EHR Go Knowledge Activity: SNOMED CT (Associate) HAK1008.2 7 Archetype Innovations LLC ©2021 Downloaded by bea nice (beanice09@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|12367539