Week 2 General Problem Equipment Malfunctions



Brandman University *

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Mechanical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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1 Week 2: General Problem: Equipment Malfunctions  NURU 405 Evidence-based Thinking November 1, 2023
2 Week 2: General Problem: Medical Equipment Malfunctions  Medical device malfunctions occur when equipment used by healthcare providers fails to perform efficiently because of technical issues, or when an error is caused or started by users. These mistakes can have significant consequences for patient care and safety. A Couple of years ago my friend’s grandfather passed away because of a massive insulin overdose from the failure of an insulin pump. Maintaining the safety of medical devices has a direct impact on the health and safety of patients. Patients can be harmed or injured by unsafe equipment. Proper working equipment is critical for proper diagnosis, medical care, and care for patients. Alsohime et al. (2019) explain how some hospital sections, such as the ICU, depend on a variety of technological resources, including ventilators, vital sign monitors, infusion and injection pumps. The purpose of this study was to determine how ICU nurses approach problems connected to medical devices in a single acute center, as well as their level of knowledge of the national reporting system for adverse events linked to medical devices. It is critical to create a framework for safe medical device operation based on international standards. ICUs are diverse work settings that are challenging. Efficient workflow in these areas is dependent on the knowledge and abilities of all team members, including medical and nursing personnel, clinical pharmacists, respiratory therapists, dieticians, porters, and technicians, whose collaborative efforts result in optimal patient care. This interdisciplinary team feature improves patient safety and the quality of care in the intensive care unit. This study has highlighted the necessity to create a framework for the safe operation of medical devices that is based on international standards. It is important that the health care providers be familiar with the existence of the reporting system.
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