


Georgia Institute Of Technology *

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Mechanical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by AgentFire7899

MSE 3005 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Spring 2021 Quiz #3 Form A – (25 Points Total) Form A Page 1 of 2 Please carefully read the following statement about your responsibilities for the quiz administration and the Georgia Tech Honor Code. Your submission of the quiz via gradescope will be used as your acknowledgement and certification that you will adhere to the Honor Code: I will adhere to the Georgia Tech Honor Code when self-administering this exam. I will give myself 10 minutes to take the quiz, and will then immediately submit my answers via gradescope. If have a GT-authorized accommodation I will administer the quiz consistent with those arrangements (e.g., additional time or other resources. I will complete the quiz on my own, without input from others (in the class or the web). The quiz is closed to all reference materials. A commercial calculator and a straight edge can be used on this quiz. I will not discuss the quiz with other students until I am notified that everyone has completed the quiz. Your answers for this exam should be submitted to “Quiz 3 -Form A” on gradescope. Late submissions: All quizzes must be submitted via gradescope. The folder on gradescope will close 7 minutes after the end of the quiz (i.e., 17 minutes after the quiz is released). Submissions that are made directly to the instructor (i.e., bypassing the gradescope submission requirement) before the close of the gradescope folder will be considered late. Late submissions must be uploaded to Quiz 3 – LATE, and will be penalized 2 percentage points (of the quiz total) per minute late. Per the syllabus, late quizzes can be submitted to the instructor via email to establish the submission time. Name (printed): ________________________________ GT SID#: ____________________________ Name (signature): _______________________________ 1. (5 Points) Explain what the Burgers vector of a crystal is. Hint: This question should be answered from the perspective of crystallography, not dislocations.
MSE 3005 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Spring 2021 Quiz #3 Form A – (25 Points Total) Form A Page 2 of 2 2. (10 Points). Consider a Frank partial dislocations with the Burgers vector 1 1 1 in a body-centered cubic (BCC) crystal structure where a is the lattice paramteter of the unit cell. Frank partial dislocations are usually sessile. What are the Miller indices of a closest packed planes in BCC that could be a slip plane for the dislocation? Note: you only need to list one set of Miller indices. 3. (10 Points) The lattice parameter of aluminum’s face-centered cubic unit cell at room temperature is 4.05 Angstroms (1 Angstrom = 1 10 ିଵ଴ m). What is the magnitude of a perfect dislocation in the material?
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