October 5, 2023
ELM-470: Methods and Strategies for Teaching Mathematics
Field Experience A: Reflection
I was given permission to sit in on the professional development meeting held September 25, 2023 at the school I work for has that are specifically designated to the new math curriculum that is being implemented to across the district. After attending math instructional meetings, I was reassured that providing multiple ways of teaching techniques is most beneficial for all students. I found the meetings to be very beneficials because for the last four school years I have worked at the high school level and I now work with K-2 grades. Learning the curriculum and how to implement it in the classroom has been very beneficial and the school year has been progressing. While the professional development meetings are for grades K-2, the second grade team that I primarily work with was able to further discuss with me how they implement the curriculum into their classrooms. If I were the primary the classroom teacher, to incorporate the material I have learned, I would collaborate with my teaching team and follow the instructions provided by the curriculum director. Ensuring that students are provided with accurate material for each lesson will be vital for them to be successful with the curriculum, as well. The second team meets once
a week in addition to the bi-weekly professional development meeting K-2 has. I was able to sit in on the second grade team meeting when they discussed the math curriculum and learned that not only is this curriculum new for the district, they actually strongly prefer it to the previous curriculum used.