SNHU 107 Module Two Journal Template
Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Submit for grading and feedback. See the Module Two Required Resources section and revisit Chapter One of the textbook, P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Online Success
for support with this assignment.
What is your preferred receptive learning style? Choose from the following (you may choose more than one):
Read/write learning style
Tactile/kinesthetic learning style
How will understanding your learning style help you support your success inside and outside of the classroom?
“One of the most basic aspects of our learning styles concerns the way in which we first encounter information.”
Author, Robert S. Feldman. (2020). P.O.W.E.R Learning: Online Success Second Edition. McGraw Hill Education. Understanding your learning style will help you to not only take in the information but be able to apply it better. For
example, I have been learning how to better manage my time by writing down tasks and putting them on a calendar. Not only has this helped me manage work but personally I am now able to schedule time for work, school, and self-reflection. This has helped me to be more productive and successfully turn in my assignments on time. 2.
Identify a problem-solving technique or method you have used in a previous situation and explain how it worked for you. Identify how these methods might look different in diverse cultures or different fields of work.
One problem solving technique I have used is to generate alternative solutions. Recently, when I was speaking with my advisor for school, Misty gave me some options to think about. I evaluated the option and was about to make the best decision for me with regards to my courses and the direction I wanted to go in.
When I think of medicine you have different doctors that treat different symptoms. Each
Doctor may take a different approach at solving your issue. One may take a holistic approach such as looking at the body as a whole and not a certain part. Holistic Doctors look at the mind and body vs examining what we say may hurt or cause pain. 3.
How do you plan to stay organized or prioritize your SNHU study time?
I plan to stay organized by making my time count. Prioritizing time for work, school, and personal activities. I have a set time that work within my workday. I have also a back-up time set just in case an uncontrollable interruption happens. 4.
List the five habits of successful SNHU students. Refer to the “5 Habits of Successful SNHU Students” infographic linked in the Module Two Resources section.
Strive to submit all assignments.
Log in early.
Engage often.
Use the rubric.