Put another way, what does Dejonghe mean when he says, “All our projections, however, were based on the assumption that Sony would respect our ‘vision’ of the marketplace. The 1270 did just the opposite.” What “vision” is he referring to? Why might Sony reject this “vision?” •
What do you think are Sony’s strategic objectives for the 1270 introduction (i.e. ways they are attempting, beyond just making sales, to change the strategic landscape in projectors)? •
What might BPS have done differently over the previous few years to have been better positioned to compete against Sony? One key to understanding this case – and to competitive strategy in general – is to be able to see the world through the eyes of your competitor. Specifically, consider Sony’s core competence, how that matches or doesn’t match the existing segmentation structure in the market, and how a potential mis-match there might constrain it’s desire to grow market share. If you can understand the challenges Sony faces in the projector market before the 1270 introduction and understand what they are attempting to accomplish strategically with the 1270 to permanently alter the competitive landscape in their favor, the pieces of this case should start to fall into place for you. Bonus analysis: Sony is a giant corporation. Seeing the world through the eyes of your competitor may require seeing the world through the eyes of different individual leaders at your competitor, because they may have divergent goals and definitions of success. To that point, what are the incentives facing the head of the Sony components business vs. the head of the Sony projectors business? Where are their interests aligned vs. divergent? Case Presentation for Week 3 (Optional)
If your study group chooses to submit one of your three short case presentations this week, your presentation should consist of the following three slides: 1. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for BPS 2. SWOT analysis for Sony (primarily focused on their projector business) 3. Identification of core competencies for both companies (if any)