Week 4: The future holds much uncertainty. In the last three weeks, we have been reading "The Future Leader" (Morgan, 2020) and by now you should have read chapters 1-5. Hopefully, as you have read some of the text you have begun to formulate some ideas and thoughts of what future leaders, managers, and employees will be like. Instructions: For this assignment, discuss the topics below related to the future of leadership, the skills a manager will need to be effective, and what employees should expect in the future. 1.
In your opinion what are some of the trends that will impact the future of leadership? 2.
What skills will the future leaders need to possess and why? 3.
What will be some of the differences managers and leaders will face 10 years from now vs. today? 4.
How will employees' attitudes towards work and life change in the next 10 years? Please don't just give your opinion on the questions that you pick, go and do some research and have fun exploring the topics you chose. Good afternoon Professor and Class 1. I think there are a few factors that will affect the future of leadership. First, the continued development of artificial intelligence (AI). I am seeing this in my current work center, and it is changing how many of our offices are reviewing materials and storing materials and cutting out some of these processes. Allowing more time to focus on strategic goals. Another factor is work ethic and drive. I have seen this unfortunately in some of the younger generation. There is a perception of doing less work and wanting more money for doing it. Lastly remote/telework in the workforce. When the pandemic was in full swing many companies transitioned to either a full or part time remote or telework schedule. This poses many questions for leadership on how they will monitor their employees and their productivity. Not to mention, was there still a need to house their employees in office building at all. As companies began to rejoin after the pandemic there has been a transition to a partial remote work in many corporate positions. Currently 12.7% of full-time employees work from home, 28.2% of employees have adapted to a hybrid work model, working from both work and home (Haan, 2023). 2. With the way technology is developing, future leaders will need to have the ability to adapt quickly with these changes. In order to keep the younger, more technological savvy generation engaged, future leaders should be open to trying new forms of communication for remote meeting and communication. Teams currently works great for group meeting settings and group work, bit having an open mind to other avenues to for online work can help to keep your younger workforce engaged. 3. Similar to what I previously stated, as technology advances, jobs and leadership roles will too. AI will take over many roles and there will be many younger tech savvy employees playing larger roles in companies. Job skill sets will change, and leaders may be faces with outdated credentials.