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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessment 3 ASSESSMENT 3 KAA4050 MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE AND ORGANISATION
Table of Contents Contents Instructions to Learner ........................................................................ 3 Assessment for this subject ................................................................. 4 Assessment requirements ............................................................................... 6 Information for students ...................................................................... 1 Section A ............................................................................................ 1 Section B ............................................................................................ 6 TASK 1 ............................................................................................... 6 TASK 2 ............................................................................................... 8 Task 3 ............................................................................................... 11 Section C ........................................................................................... 12 Task 1: Team planning meeting .......................................................... 12 Task 2: Team work plan project ........................................................... 20
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 3 | P a g e Instructions to Learner Welcome to KAA4050 Management of people and organisation! This KAA unit covers the following unit/s of competency. COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION This Assessment Task covers the following unit of competency: KAA subject code KAA4050 KAA subject name Management of people and organisation Unit of competency co d e : SITXHRM007 SITXHRM008 SITXHRM009 Unit Title Coach others in job skills Roster Staff Lead and manage people This subject describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide on-the-job coaching to colleagues and develop, administer and communicate staff rosters. It requires the ability to explain and demonstrate specific skills, knowledge and procedures and monitor the progress of colleagues until they are able to operate independently of the co ach . It requires the ability to plan rosters according to industrial provisions, operational efficiency requirements, and within wage budgets. This subject also describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the o r g a n is atio n . It requires the ability to lead by example and manage performance through effective leadership. Prerequisite units: None For more information about the units of competency, visit the following sites: h tt p s : / / t r a i n i n g . g o v. a u /T r a i n i n g / D e t a i l s / S I T X H RM 0 07 h tt p s : / / t r a i n i n g . g o v. a u /T r a i n i n g / D e t a i l s / S I T X H RM 0 08 h tt p s : / / t r a i n i n g . g o v. a u /T r a i n i n g / D e t a i l s / S I T X H RM 0 09
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 4 | P a g e Assessment for this subject For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete three assessment tasks: Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions– There are three sections in this assessment. All sections are mandatory and you must answer all questions correctly. Assessment Task 2: Simulation and observation You must work through a range of activities and complete a project po rtf o l i o . Assessment Task 3: Case study, scenarios and simulation (This assessment) You must work through a range of activities and complete a project portfolio. Assessment instructions Overview Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task is not fully addressed, then your assessment task will be returned to you for resub m is sio n . Your trainer/assessor will remain available to support you throughout the assessment process. Written work Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that you address the following c riteri a : Address each question including any sub-points Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed Your assessment tasks include your full legal name in the provided cover pa g e . Active participation It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is completing all the assessment tasks on ti m e . Plagiarism Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your o w n . Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be accused of p l a g ia r i sm : Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 5 | P a g e Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 6 | P a g e Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet. If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be organised to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly. Collusion Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary act io n . Collusion or copying from other learners is not permitted and will result in a NS grade and NYC. Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS O ff ic e . Handwritten assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the trainer/assessor to confirm). Competency outcome There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency. If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and “ will” be given another chance to resubmit your assessment tas k ( s) . If you are still deemed as “Not Yet Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency. Additional evidence If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative information/evidence in order to determine competency, you must provide us with such information/evidence, subject to privacy and confidentiality issues. We retain this right at any time, including after submission of your assessments. Confidentiality We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict confidence, in accordance with the l aw . However, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer, colleagues and others, that they do not consent to the disclosure o f . While we may ask you to provide information or details about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are responsible for obtaining necessary consents and ensuring that privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with such i n f o rm ati o n . Assessment appeals process If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal to the course coordinator, in writing, outlining the reason(s) for the appeal. For more information please refer to our policy and procedures by visiting www. K A A . e d u . a u /doc u m e n ts or login to your LMS account by clicking the link h tt p s: / / www . K A A o n l i n e . e d u . a u /c o u rs e / v ie w . p h p? i d = 5 9 .
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 7 | P a g e Recognised prior learning Candidates will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on request.
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 8 | P a g e Special needs Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required adjustments as soon as po ssi ble . This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs immediately Assessment requirements Assessment can either be: To demonstrate competence in this unit you must undertake all activities in this Assessment and have them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. If you do not answer some questions or perform certain tasks, and therefore you are deemed to be Not Yet Competent, your trainer/assessor may ask you supplementary questions to determine your com pet e n c e . Once you have demonstrated the required level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit. Should you still be deemed Not Yet Competent, you may have the opportunity to resubmit your assessments or appeal the result. As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as provided during induction (orientation). For more information refer to our assessment policies by visiting www . K A A . e d u . a u / d o c u m e n ts or login to your LMS account by clicking the link h tt p s : / / www . K A A o n l i n e . e d u . a u / c o u r se/ v ie w . p h p? i d = 5 9 . If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is unfair, please contact your assessor to discuss your options. You have the right to formally appeal any outcome and, if you wish to do so, discuss this with your tra i n e r/ as se sso r .
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 9 | P a g e ASSESSMENT COVERSHEET Unit: SITXHRM009 Course Name: CERTIFICATE IV IN KITCHEN MANAGEMENT Assessment Tool: Assessment 3 Student must fill this section: Student Name: Paul Danielle D. Vidal Student ID: 220071 Privacy Release Clause: “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process” Authenticity Declaration: “I declare that: The material I have submitted is my own work; I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the production of my work; I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others.” Student signature: Date: Assessment Completion Status Attempt Satisfactory Non- Satisfactory Date Assessor’s Signature Initial attempt 2 nd attempt/Re- assessment Feedback to student:
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Information for Student: All work is to be entirely of the Student. Read the instructions for each question very carefully. Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided. Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided or follow the word limits as instructed. For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc. The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts. All assessment tasks must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency. If the Student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment. All assessments must be submitted online. Login to and follow the subject link to submit your assessments. Note that the hard copy of the assessments will not be accepted. Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures: If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Operations Manager. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term. Re-assessment Process: An appeal in writing is made to the Operations Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal. Operations Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment. The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor. If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Operations Manager OR if need be an external assessor. The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final. If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency. Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re- enrol in that subject. The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid. Academic Appeals If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through academic appeals handling protocol. To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the KAA- Request for Appeal of a Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details: Student Support Officer, Kingsford International Institute (KAA), Level 6, 128-136 Chalmers St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Email: The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Operations Manager and submitted within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process. If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit. In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate. The decision of Operations Manager will be final. Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy. “I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment” Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Paul Danielle D. Vidal 21/05/2023
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 1 | P a g e Information for students In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project po rtf o l io . This is an individual assessment. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to e xp l ai n . You will need access to: your learning resources and other information for reference as indicated in the assessment tasks Assessment 3 Project Portfolio te m plate . Case studies and scenarios provided in this assessment Ensure that yo u : review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the IT Works Student User Guide comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide adhere with KAA submission guidelines answer all questions completely and correctly submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced submit a completed cover sheet with your work avoid sharing your answers with other students. Read the case study and answer the questions. Section A Case study Your stock requisition has been delivered to your work area from s to r e s . John is responsible for transferring the stock into the storage area. You notice he is not using correct manual handling techniques to move cartons or bulky ite m s . He is not following organisational procedures for handling stock. You know this is a work health and safety issue and must be addressed quickly before he injures h i m s elf . : Prepare for on-the-job coaching 1: How was the need for coaching identified? The need for coaching was identified in different ways. The manager/supervisor observation shows that John is struggling in transferring stocks to the storage area. It shows that John is not yet familiar and uninformed on how to perform the proper and correct manual handling techniques. Aside from that, feedback from colleagues also says that John needs some help or coaching. They’ve seen that John is not yet capable of doing the task assigned to him.
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 2 | P a g e 2: What communication techniques can you use when discussing Jo hn s needs with him? As a coach, I will always be “to the point” when I'm talking to john. This will help motivate him more than a long lecture. I will also have a plan ahead and honorable intention to draw his attention on improving more. I will also accept his feedback and give him feedback too. 3: Your discussions have identified that John needs coaching on how to correctly lift and carry bo x es . He understands how to use a truck trolley and where the stock is to be stored in the s to r er oom . The correct procedure was explained to him some time ago but he has forgotten it. Explain the overall purpose of the coaching session to Joh n . The overall purpose of the coaching session is for John to be aware of and to teach him how to perform proper manual handling of stocks. Aside from that, the coaching session will also teach John how to use machines like forklifts. This will prevent risks in duties as John will be familiar with using and performing it. Giving john the actual experience will help him learn quickly. 4: Where can you find information to support your coaching session? Information that will support the coaching can be found in different things. The first option is browsing online. Most of the things can be found online or by browsing different websites. Using internet, you can get most of the information you needed. The second option is through experience. The experience of the coach will give a lot of help to the coaching session. Expressing and showing the experience while teaching will make the coachee learn quickly. 5: What steps will you follow when delivering coaching to John or any of your other colleagues? Briefly explain what occurs at each step in these key principles of training. After setting the goal, it is time now to deliver the coaching to john. Ther are three steps that I will do to deliver it: First step, action plan. This step will show what john needs to do and perform throughout the coaching session. It is based on what the coach and coachee agreed when they are setting their goals. Second step, facing and overcoming the problem. This step shows what problem john is facing. It also shows how john will overcome the problem and what thing did john to overcome it. Aside from that, this step also shows the things, tools, or resources that john uses while performing the task. Third step, assessing and checking the progress achieved. This step talks about testing knowledge. The coach will provide something that will test john understanding. The coach will observe what john did achieve throughout the coaching session. The coach will provide things that will test john like assessment, that will test john’s knowledge and understanding, and repetition of work, to test john’s ability and skills if he can perform the task already on his own. 6: You decide to develop a simple coaching plan to make sure you cover all
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 3 | P a g e necessary information and s kills . Complete the table to describe how you will deliver your coaching s es s ion . Use your workplace or training e n vir o n m e n t s organisational procedures when completing the plan or research correct lifting and carrying pro c edures .
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 4 | P a g e Seq . = The sequence in which the coaching topics will be delivered. Topic/steps = the topic to be discussed and/or demonstrated or steps to complete a task as per relevant organisational procedures or standard work prac ti c es . Key knowledge = Required knowledge that supports the successful application of the task(s), such as WHS or hygiene requirements. Resources required = Resources required to deliver the coaching, including large and small equipment, stock, ingredients, documentation, machinery. Coaching plan Coaching topic: servicing customers from starting Seq Topic / steps Key knowledge 1 Size up the load Check if the object can be lifted by one person. If it is heavy, get some help or use tools such as trolley. 2 Plan the job Planning all through process of transferring the object to its designated location. Check the way where you can safely go and check the place where the object should be placed. 3 Establish a base support Having your legs aligned with your shoulder to keep strength base support. 4 Get a grip Grab the object using the whole hand instead of fingers only. It will prevent the object from slipping from your hand. 5 Lift with your legs, not your back Using your legs, you will be easily able to lift objects. Avoid using waist as it is prone to injury such as back pain. 6 Keep the load close Keeping the load close to your body lessens the pressure at the back. 7 Pivot; don’t twist Use your feet when turning in a different direction. Do not just turn your body as it will provide more pressure. Resources required: - Trolley - Tray - Boxes 7: What other details do you need to discuss and confirm with John if the coaching is not going to be delivered immediately? I will inform john first why the coaching is not going to happen immediately. I will tell him what he will expect if the coaching continues like what he needs to learn, what he needs to review, what he needs to prepare, what he needs to practice. I will also confirm to him when the coaching will continue and what we will be doing. 8: Choose one topic or step from your coaching plan and write how you will explain that topic/step to J o hn . I will be choosing step 2. step 2 is the “plan the job.” plan the job almost consist of all the steps. Plan the job secures the way that will be used when transferring the load or object. The area will be observed where the possible risks and hazards are. These hazards and risks can be
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 5 | P a g e provided using this step. I will tell John that this step should be carefully taken.
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 6 | P a g e 9: What are two questions you can ask after explaining and demonstrating the correct procedure to check J o hn s understanding? 1. what thing or tools can you use if the stock you will lift is slightly heavy? 2. how can you say that you are doing the task appropriately and properly? 10: How much time should you allocate to this training session? Give a breakdown of the time required for each stage of the coaching process and total time to be allocated. Coaching stage Time allocation Preparing 30 minutes Contracting 30 minutes Coaching 1 hour and 30 minutes Evaluating 30 minutes Total=3 hours 11: How can you allocate time to deliver coaching to John while still completing your duties? As a coach, it is my duty to help john improve his skills and develop it. Despite having busy schedule, I will use my free time to coach john. I will check my schedule on calendar and mark the time and day that I can coach john. Aside from that, I can also use my day offs to teach john. After that, I will be having some conversation with john to tell the schedule of our coaching session.
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 7 | P a g e 12: John has received coaching and has practised the skill several ti m es . You observe that he initially completed the procedure correctly, but is now tending to bend his back more each time he lifts or lowers the bo x es . He is completing all other steps as per the organisational procedure correctly, especially when carrying the load from the delivery point to the s to r er oom . You are about to give him feedback on his performance. Write what you will say to John when giving him feedback. - You are doing great now, John. You already have excelled doing the task. I didn’t expect that you would learn fast. I just want to tell you one thing to avoid injuries. Practice lifting using legs more than your back. It will prevent your back from having injuries and pain. 13: Its two weeks later and you have been observing John move boxes of stock into the s to r er oom . You are very pleased to see that he is using correct lifting and carrying tec hn iq u es . However, this is a larger than normal delivery with many boxes to be transferred to the storage area. It will take him over an hour to transfer them all if he carries them individually. It will also be a physically strenuous task. What supportive assistance or advice can you give him in this situation? Write what you would say to J oh n . - John, as I can see, there's a lot of objects you need to transfer. I suggest you use the tools we have. We have trolleys and lifts for you to easily do your task. It will lessen the time you will use, and it will lessen the effort you will use.
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 8 | P a g e Section B TASK 1 Your department has five full-time staff of equal seniority and ability. The names of these staff members are: JULIA, SASHA , PATRICK,FRASER, PAUL These staff members have all made requests to have the following days off over the period of the next roster, you must aim to accommodate all requests if possible: SASHA: Requests all Saturdays off in August FRASER: Requests to be rostered off or to get late shifts on Saturdays PA U L : Requests the 13 th -16 th August off (4 days) to go to a wedding PATRICK: Cannot work Sundays on the 7 th , 14 th and 21 st August. JULIA: No requests have been made This establishment requires two staff members for the Early shift (7.00 to 15.30) and two staff members for the Late shift (15.00 to 23.30) from Monday to Friday and only one staff member per shift on we eken ds . A third staff member is required for a “swing shift” (09.00 to 17.30) on Fridays to cope with the extra pressure at the end of the week. This is the roster for the last week of July. Please complete the roster for the next three weeks using the blank rosters below. Name Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesda y 27th Thursd ay 28th Friday 29th Saturd ay 30th Sund ay 31st Julia E E E E E RDO RDO Sasha RDO RDO E E E E E Patrick L L RD O RDO L L L Fraser E E L L L RDO RDO
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 9 | P a g e Paul L L L L S RDO RDO Name Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Sunday 7th Julia RDO RDO E E E E E Sasha E E E E E RDO RDO Patric k L L L L L RDO RDO Fraser E E L L L RDO RDO Paul L L RDO RDO S L L Name Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursda y 11th Friday 12th Saturda y 13th Sunda y 14th Julia RDO RDO E E E E E Sasha E E E E E RDO RDO Patrick L L L L L RDO RDO
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 10 | P a g e Fraser E E RDO RDO L L L Paul L L L L S RDO RDO Name Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursda y 18th Friday 19th Saturda y 20th Sunda y 21st Julia RDO RDO E E E E E Sasha E E E E E RDO RDO Patrick L L L L L RDO RDO Fraser E E L L L RDO RDO Paul RDO RDO L L S L L TASK 2 Your establishment has six full-time employees of equal seniority and ability, who are backed up by three casual staff members who are rostered as requested. The names of these full-time staff members are: KEVIN, MARTIN, ROBERT, JEAN , BASIL, MARGARET The names of the casual staff members are: JOHN (Available Saturday and Sunday only) ANNE (Available Monday to Thursday only) DAVID (Available Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday only)
KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 11 | P a g e Consideration:
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 12 | P a g e Two staff members must work each shift (Early and Late) and there must be one person on a swing shift each day. On Friday and Saturday evening, there must be an extra person rostered on for the Late shift. Name Monday 25 th Tuesday 26 th Wednesday 27 th Thursda y 28 th Frida y 29 th Saturda y 30 th Sunda y 31 st KEVIN E E E E E RDO RDO MARTIN RD O RD O E E E E E ROBERT E E RDO RDO L L L JEAN L L L RDO RDO E E BASIL L L L L L RDO RDO MARGAR ET S RD O RDO L S L L JOHN L L ANNE S S DAVID S S S Instruction: Develop a continuous roster for 2 weeks using the template bel ow . Use the given considerations above. Name Monday 1 st Tuesday 2 nd Wednesd ay 3 rd Thursda y 4 th Frida y 5 th Saturda y 6 th Sunda y 7 th KEVIN RDO RDO E E E E E MARTIN E RDO RDO E E E E ROBERT E E RDO RDO L L L JEAN L E E RDO RDO L L
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 13 | P a g e BASIL L L L L L RDO RDO MARGAR ET L L L L L RDO RDO JOHN L ANNE S S DAVID S S S Name Monday 8 th Tuesday 9 th Wednesday 10 th Thursda y 11 th Frida y 13 th Saturda y 14 th Sunda y 15 th KEVIN RDO RDO E E E E E MARTIN E RDO RDO E E E E ROBERT E E RDO RDO L L L JEAN L E E RDO RDO L L BASIL L L L L L RDO RDO MARGAR ET L L L L L RDO RDO JOHN L ANNE S S
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 14 | P a g e DAVID S S S Task 3 Using the week beginning Monday 1 st October and ending Sunday 7 th October, cost the roster for all staff members using the following pay r ates : Full Time S taf f : Casual: Monday to Friday $12.50/hour Monday to Friday $15.63/hour Saturday $1 8 . 75 / h o u r Saturday $1 8 . 75 / h o u r Sunday $21.88/hour Sunday $21.88/hour Public Holidays $31 . 25/ h o u r Public Holidays $31 . 25/ h o u r NAME COST Kevin $585.98 Martin $585.98 Robert $726.61 Jean $726.61 Basil $609.38 Margaret $609.38 John $140.63 Anne $281.21 David $468.76 Total Wage Cost $4734.58
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 15 | P a g e Section C Task 1: Team planning meeting Information for students As the manager for a case study organisation, you are required to conduct a team meeting. At the m ee tin g , the team will brainstorm and develop ideas for activities that can be developed to meet strategic goals and ob j e c ti ves . You will need access to: your learning resources and other information for reference your Team Work Plan Template space for a meeting roleplay participants. Assessment information. Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completed how your assessment should be submitted. Carefully read the following scenario You are the manager of a busy café within the KAA Hotel and Spa. Apart from you and the owner, there is a full-time chef named Navneet, two sous chefs, two part-time kitchen porters and casual wait staff employed. The casual wait staff are from the local area and are mostly university students or high school students working part-time shifts. The team is tight knit and work well t og e th er . The casual wait staff visit the café socially sometimes and the culture is one of sharing and helping each other out when n e eded . The c af é s vision is to be the most popular café within the local region renowned for its amazing local food and service and vibrant atmosphere. Its mission is to grow the café and its popularity by strong leadership, sound communication and the provision of a clear strategic direction that ensures it s a great place for staff to work; it provides food and beverages that the public wants with a focus on local produce and sustainable prac ti c es ; and it becomes known for its vibe and atmosphere. Values listed in its Strategic Plan include: Operating with trust and integrity with each other, as well as with employees and the community. Customer focus through appreciation of interests and passion for food that is local, healthy and delicious and
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 16 | P a g e sustainably sourced. Camaraderie through recognising the superior strength and
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 17 | P a g e efficiencies of good team work Innovation through best practice and change Openness and transparency in communicating with our employees, customers and the broader comm u n i ty . The organisation has adopted three key strategic goals is to improve local interest in the community and not just rely on the hotel guests for revenue, specifically to: increase local traffic by 25% in the new upcoming financial year develop and implement a “specials or loyalty” program to use as the basis of weekly advertising in the local area provide entertainment to encourage people to stay lon g er . A key approach to achieve these will be to establish relationships with local talent to provide entertainment and increase advertising locally. The owner has asked you to develop a team work plan that will include a range of tasks and activities that the café’s staff can carry out over the next twelve months to achieve the key strategic goals and ob j ec t ives . In order to develop a plan that will be enthusiastically adopted by the team, you are to conduct a meeting with the staff to inform them of the new key goals, and to workshop innovative ideas they may have that could help the business achieve t h em . With the participation of the staff, you are to translate their ideas into actions that they will then carry out. 1. Prepare for a meeting with the team . The meeting will provide an opportunity for all the café’s employees to contribute to the next stage of the bu s in es s s development. You will be collecting ideas about how the team can fulfil the bu s i n es s s ob j ec tives . You are expected to encourage all team members to be innovative and be constructive in their partic i pat i on . Keep in mind that this u n it s focus is on teams working in an effective way, and you are being assessed on your ability to encourage and support your colleagues to do t h is . Review the case study information and write some notes on your plans for the meeting. You will know the other meeting participants, so structure the meeting in a way that is appropriate for these people (your c las s m at es ) . Use appropriate language and social references, too. Write a statement of what the tea m s purpose and long-term objectives are, to take to the meeting with you . This will be just your starting point, th o u g h , as these will have to be discussed and
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 18 | P a g e accepted by all the m eeti n g s participants. As well as leading the m eeti n g , you will be taking notes, and writing up a report af terwar ds . Review the Team Work Plan Template to order the
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 19 | P a g e information you receive at the meeting. How do you want to document the meeting’s proceedings? With a white board, computer and projector, or bu t c h er s paper? Use the minutes of the meeting template in resources section. 2. Write an email to the owner (your as s es s or) . The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should summarise the preparations you have made in ( 1. Prepare for a meeting with the team ) and set out what you hope to achieve at the meeting. The text of the email should ask for the date, time, and place of the meeting. Take a screenshot of the email and attach it here with your assessment document. 3. Write an email to your team members (your as s es s or) .
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 20 | P a g e The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite and warm) style. The email’s text should list the café’s three key strategic goals and invite the recipient to a meeting to discuss how the team can achieve these, in particular activities that can be conducted to assist in achieving these go als . It should summarise the goals of the meeting and its importance and encourage the team members to start thinking of activities appropriate for meeting the tea m s goals, and to bring these to the meeting. Include the date, time, and place of the meeting in the email. Take a screenshot of the email and attach it here with your assessment document. 4. Prepare the room for the meeting. Check that there is enough seating for all meeting particip ant s . Every participant should be able to see the whiteboard, and the
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 21 | P a g e seating should be arranged to encourage a group d is c u ss ion . Ensure that all of the physical elements are functioning correctly before the meeting be gin s . You can include the information of room reservation here. Use the meeting room reservation template in the resources section. Or you can simulate this by performing all the requirement in one of our classrooms. Take a photo and attach it here with your assessment. Meeting Room Reservation Form Reservation Name: KAA café team Contact detail/s: Kevin, Christian, Denji, Sunday, Paul Address: Kingsford Academy Australia, Level 2, Room 2, 545 Kent Street, Sydney, Australia Date of reservation: May 16, 2023 Time: 9;00am Number of guests: 5 Number of tables: 1 Number of chairs: 5 Room lay-out: Straight Rectangular Will the food be served? No If yes: FOOD SERVICE: (please choose) Ala Carte: _________________ Buffet: _______________________ Set Menu: _________________ Table d’hote: _________________ Festivals: __________________ Functions/ Events: (please specify): Coffee and Water AMENITY REQUIREMENTS: List of equipment: Notes: Notes: ¨ Blackboard Purpose and Goals ¨ TV Showing sample videos ¨ White Board Buzz session ¨ Microphone Voice out ideas ¨ Projector Overall plan ¨ Internet/ wifi More connected information from web
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 22 | P a g e 5. Conduct the meeting. Begin the meeting by welcoming the participants and giving a summary of the organ is atio n s goals and objectives, and how encouraging innovation in the workplace can support these. Your next step is to establish, and document, the t eam s purpose and long-term objectives and how these support the b u s in es s s goals and ob j e c ti ves . You are being asked here to roleplay a Team Leader, leading colleagues in thinking up new ways of doing things, but you are also a student, asking your student colleagues for new ideas and how they can be translated into a c tio n s . Your team members will all most probably have a favourite café. Bring this out at the meeting, getting them to look at their own motivations as to what they enjoy, and look at how this could be used to motivate others, as well as their experiences of events (music or social activities) that assisted in increasing interest and support of their favourite eatery. Also, be aware that the other students at the meeting will be conducting a meeting on the same topic within a short time of you conducting you r s . So, try to establish your own meeting leadership style. It should be uniquely yours, and effective. Be conscious that you will be modelling effective meeting leadership throughout the meeting. You should consciously behave as a role model for your colleagues, behaving in a way that encourages team excellence. Even though you may think that you know what the business should do, being a leader in this meeting means that you are responsible for engaging and motivating the other meeting participants, leading them in c olla bo r ati on . Not leading them by telling them what to do. When you have conducted the preliminaries, open the meeting up to ideas that the participants have brought with th e m . Document the brainstorm on the whiteboard. Discuss (and record) the ideas the participants give, asking the others for input, looking at it practically, working out what preparation would be necessary, material, personnel, whatever is relevant to carrying the idea to r ealis atio n . While encouraging the team members to find and develop ideas, you are expected to display the following leadership s kills : Act as a positive role model through your performance Show support for, and commitment to, the bu s i n es s s strategic goals Interacting with team members in a positive and professional m an n er .
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 23 | P a g e Encourage the team members to take responsibility for their own work.
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford International Institute | C RI C O S : 03689D RTO: 453 63 | K AA 405 0| Jan 2022 v1.0 24 | P a g e Encourage the team members to develop innovative approaches to their work. Model and encourage open and supportive communication within the tea m . Share information from the wider business environment with the team as appropriate for the situation Motivate the team members to achieve optimum performance. During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including: Speaking clearly and concisely Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding Asking questions to identify required information Responding to questions as required Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding As you come to the m e etin g s co n c lu s io n : Summarise the ideas and activities to have come out of the meeting. The summary should verify the teams, and each team member’s, expectations, roles and r es po n s ibili ties . Tell the participants that you will lead and support them in meeting the o u t com es . Finish the meeting by thanking the participants and telling them that you will collate the ideas that they have shared and the activities that they have selected to undertake into a team work plan (attached b elo w ) . with each pers o n s roles and responsibilities clearly set out. Tell the participants when they can expect to have the plan . Give yourself a realistic but challenging time frame for this.
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 25 of 50 Team Work Plan (Reference template for task 1) Team Leader Paul Danielle D. Vidal Date of planning discussion May 16, 2023 Date of review 12 months Plan Idea Goals Preparation Objective Responsible Outcomes Timeframe Retail food delivery Increase local traffic by 25% in the new upcoming financial year They are looking for ways to deliver their goods and services. If you need a new distribution method or have a product that you want delivered directly to your customers' doors, a third-party delivery service is the best option. Manager and courier Increased revenue, as well as potential new members and customers. 3 weeks Packaging that is appropriate Businesses can use third-party delivery to deliver their products and services to customers. These can be outsourced by companies. rather than using their own vehicles, they outsource delivery services to a third party. Manager and courier Increased revenue, as well as potential new members and customers. 3 weeks
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 26 of 50 Food and drink Capable of providing special meals and dishes for free. Manager, Kitchen staff and courier Increased revenue, as well as potential new members and customers. 3 weeks Idea Goals Preparation tasks Objective Responsible Outcomes Timefram e Free membership cards to all customers that will purchase the product of business Develop and implement a “specials or loyalty” program to use as the basis of weekly advertising in the local area Free stuff and food discounts are available to both new and existing members. Members and non-members alike benefit. To increase the number of people on the rosters. and bring in new customers and income. Kitchen and Event Staff To add other individuals to the rosters. and achieve revenue and new customers. 3weeks Participating in hotel- sponsored, partnered, or hosted events may entitle you to a free event pass, discounts, rewards, and other perks. To increase the number of people on the rosters. and bring in new customers and income. Kitchen and Event Staff To add other individuals to the rosters. and achieve revenue and new customers. 3weeks Benefits and freebies can be provided to both new and existing members. Discounts on ongoing earned profits services are offered To increase the number of people on the rosters. and bring in new customers and income. Member To add other individuals to the rosters. and achieve revenue and new customers. 3weeks
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 27 of 50 to both members. as well as non- members. Idea Goals Preparation tasks Objective Responsible Outcomes Timeframe Installing television for sports events live and activity such as sing performance Provide entertainment to encourage people to stay longer A probable menu and food options for events and entertainment (including seasonal events) To serve delicious food to guests who may be attending special events or entertainment. Kitchen and Event Staff For attracting more customers 2 weeks A hotel program that could be used for major events and entertainment. There are special and seasonal occasions included. Increasing the number of customers from various sources. Kitchen and Event Staff For attracting more private events, various leveled, public, and incidental events were facilitated. 2 weeks The advantages and benefits of a potential event for participants and attendees. To gain more customers and potential partnerships and sponsorships for entertainment and events. Kitchen and Event Staff For attracting more private events, various leveled, public, and incidental events were 2 weeks
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 28 of 50 facilitated. Team members’ roles and responsibilities Activity Responsibilities Specific Goals Outcomes Timeframe Owner Handling the whole project or activity Taking care of the whole process of the ongoing activity or project of the business To maintain and follow the process presented in the plan made The whole event goes as it is planned 3weeks Observation and Monitoring Analyzing the event every time to ensure that it is going on smoothly To avoid having mistakes, accidents and errors No incidents reported Daily Manager Leading members Giving every member their obligation and responsible task for the whole event To make the event or work goes smoothly and properly as it planned Staffs or members perform well throughout the event or working hour 2weeks Making decisions Deciding on what plan should be followed throughout the event To achieve the desired goals and objective Goals and objectives are achieved as what is expected 3weeks Chef Cook food Cooking all the meals ordered by customers To serve the best meal included in the menu Positive feedback from customers daily Sou chefs Checking stocks Checking stocks that need to be restocked or purchased To maintain the flow of foods properly in the kitchen The business did not experience shortage in any kind of ingredients daily
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 29 of 50 Kitchen porters Food preparation Preparing and cutting all the ingredients needed by the chef To assist chef on time and without delays A fast-cooking service from chef from their help daily Cleaning Cleans all the dishes that are being used such as plates, glass, bowls, etc. They also maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen To show and maintain the cleanliness A clean and ventilated working place daily Wait staff Preparing table Cleaning the table and setting it up for another customer that will come. To show the cleanliness, orderliness, comfort and cozy type of cafeteria Satisfaction of customers for effort daily Taking orders Taking note of the orders of customers and sending it to the front staff To provide excellent service to customers Customers are delighted due to good service daily
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 30 of 50
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 31 of 50
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Task 2: Team work plan project 1. Develop a team work plan. Collate the notes that you took during the m ee tin g , adding any points that you may have missed during the meeting. Where you find that some information is missing, use analytical thinking techniques to generate possible solutions, not forgetting that you can seek input from others as required Use the Team Work Plan Template to list and describe activities that were brought up during the meeting, following each idea through its goals, timeframe, and who is responsible for individual tasks. Ensure that a team member is clearly responsible for each task, and that specific productivity measures are allocated as outcomes for each idea. Each team m e m ber s responsibilities should be collated so each has a clear understanding of what is expected of them and w hen . Save this document as Draft Team Work Plan . Use the Team work plan template that you’ve developed in task 1. 2. Send an email to the business owner (your assessor). The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should summarise the project from the outset, including what was discussed at the meeting, until the present time. Describe the attached team work plan, including how it was generated and how it will be monitored. The email text should also ask if the owner wants any changes made to it before it is sent out to the team m e m bers . The email’s text should also ask for the ow n er s authorisation to send the work plan to the rest of the team and delegate the tasks according to the plan Attach your draft team work plan to the email. Take a screenshot of the email and attach it here with your assessment document.
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3. Revise your team work plan. Update your work plan to reflect the feedback given to you by the ow n er . Save this document as Revised Team Work P la n . TO: KAA Café Owner FROM: Denji Garcia DATE: May 21,2023 SUBJECT: Key Strategic Goals Key Strategic Objectives Hello, Rupesh!, I met with the KAA Café employees on May 19, 2023, and our team meeting was fruitful and successful. We talked about the three objectives of the strategic strategy. Everyone offered many brilliant suggestions, but we ultimately settled on these three: Increase local traffic by 25% in the upcoming fiscal year is one of three long-term objectives. For more visibility and client convenience, partnering with outside delivery services like DoorDash and Uber Eats is the best course of action. 2. The foundation for weekly neighborhood advertising will be a "specials or loyalty" program that is created and implemented. The membership card program and customized membership cards with magnetic stripes are the finest solutions for this. 3. Encourage guests to stay longer by providing entertainment. The best possibilities are free live sporting events, free movies, and free things to do in a cafe or restaurant. Any queries or issues, kindly let me know. To send the work schedule to other team members and if you wish to make modifications, we need your consent. Thanks a lot, Name Director of KAA Café The owner's notes: - The owner of the bistro has asked you to include a few new goals and delegate a few responsibilities to a spic and span employee named Tristan. Tristan has worked in various locations with a strong café culture, so he is excited to meet the workers and customers at the café. Tristan is not comfortable with computers and will need help with computer-based chores like PowerPoint and word documents. You, as the manager, are responsible for assigning some of Tristan's duties from your work plans and for giving him any coaching he might require to fill in any knowledge and
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 21 of 50 4. Send an email to the owner and your team (your assessor). The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (professional but casual and warm) style. It should give a short summary of the work plan and ask for their feedback. Attach your revised team work plan to the email. Take a screenshot of the email and attach it here with your assessment document. 5. Prepare to meet with Tristan (your assessor). Identify any barriers to Tristan taking on the tasks and responsibilities that you are going to delegate to them and think through techniques or processes that you could use to overcome th e m . You will be required to provide mentoring and coaching to support Tristan. Make sure that you understand the differences between mentoring and coaching to ensure that you can provide both during the meeting. You will also be required to evaluate the team m e m ber s skills and provide opportunities for their individual development. Think through how you can do this during the meeting. Use the coaching & mentoring template in resources section. 6. Meet with Tristan (your assessor). TO: KAA Café Owner and Café Team FROM: Denji Garcia DATE: May 21, 2023 SUBJECT: Coaching and Delegation for Tristan Hello, Team and Rupesh! I appreciate you telling me about Tristan. His physical condition would be a great asset in developing our café culture. I'm also happy to give Tristan whatever guidance he needs regarding his lack of computer knowledge. I'll get in touch with him and arrange a time for us to meet so we can discuss any coaching requirements he might have. As part of our work plans, make a plan and work toward assigning the duties that I want Tristan to take on. If you have any feedback of any type, please be sure to let me know. I'll see you all soon, everyone! Sincerely, Garcia, Denji KAA Café Supervisor
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 22 of 50 This meeting will take place at your wo r kst atio n . . First speak to Tristan about the tasks that you intend to delegate to th e m . You are required to implement the techniques or processes you have thought of to overcome any barriers that Tristan presents to taking on the job. When you have gained Tr is tan s agreement, evaluate their computer skills by asking them to open up their internet account and then create a new Word document. Demonstrate how to do this yourself, opening your internet account, creating a new Word document, attach the document to an email and send it. Describe how emails can be sent to a number of people or a group and that once you receive the email you will access it and then copy the information into the social media pla tf orm .
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 23 of 50 Ask Tristan to demonstrate to you that they can do this. Coach them through the process as necessary. As part of the mentoring component of this activity, you are required to encourage a trusted, ongoing relationship to form between yo u . To do this, you should demonstrate effective communication skills including: Speaking clearly and concisely Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding Asking questions to identify required information Responding to questions as required Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding Before concluding the meeting, ensure that you gain Tr is tan s commitment carrying out the tasks that you have assigned h im . Use the minutes of the meeting template in resources section. 7: Feedback-Reward and recognition project Instruction: You can take a screenshot of all the emails and correspondences you will be making and attach all of it here with your assessment submission. Task 3: Reward and recognition project After 12 months, data shows that your team has exceeded the percentage increase in the number of new local support for the café, and you have decided to recognise your team for their efforts. In particular, one of the casual waitstaff, M aggi e , took it upon themselves to organise a fund- raising event for their grandparent’s care home and arranged the planning and details of it under your direction and support. This resulted in a regular morning tea outing for seniors and a whole new demographic of c u s to m er s . You should single her out for a personal r eward . Q1. Select reward and recognition schemes Using the Internet, research both informal and formal staff reward and recognition schemes and make notes on what you find. The following links will provide some ex am ples . h t t p: / / s m al l b u s i n e s s . c h r o n . c o m / e x a m ple s - employee-recognition-programs- 10883.html that-work/ Choose and develop at least five examples that would be appropriate for your
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 24 of 50 team in the case study. Q2. Send an email to the owner (your assessor). Healthcare Supplementing a health plan with personalized healthcare alternatives enables employees and their families to design unique health and wellness plans that address both their immediate needs and long-term objectives. Rewards and recognition An essential component of the employee incentives experience is a recognition and awards program since it infuses incentives into each team member's routine. Recognition should be delivered regularly and in real time to achieve this. Recognition based on points Each employee can exchange points for prizes of their choice from a variety of categories, including items, digital and physical gift cards, experiences, charitable giving, and concierge, through a points-based rewards program. Provide a comprehensive selection so that employees may find the rewards they want, whether they prefer electronics, clothing, travel, or music. Rewards and promotions Giving staff bonuses and raises can be a very effective way to motivate them.
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 25 of 50 The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. The email text should give an evaluation of the t eam s performance in terms of the achievement of their go als . It should introduce and summarise the reward and recognition schemes that you have identified and seek their feedback and approval to move forward with the project. Indicate which of the schemes you think would be most appropriate for the team as per the scenario and why. You will be assessed on whether your email addresses the required content as described, as well as the clarity of your email. The owner will reply to your email with authority to implement one of the schemes that you have selected. Q3. Send an email to the team (your assessor). The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite and warm) style. It should thank them for their efforts in achieving the strategic goals and give the details of the reward and recognition scheme that you are introducing. The email should mention M a gg ie s efforts and state that she will be the first recipient To: Café Owner Date: May 22,2023 Good day, Rupesh! In today's workplace, acknowledging employees is crucial. They feel driven and powerful when you acknowledge them. Employee commitment to their jobs can be rewarded and acknowledged. Employee appreciation may be established in an organization with the help of a smart award given in the right way and at the right time. I've put in place a few reward and recognition schemes. I've identified some of the most suitable plans for our employees based on their work ethic and dedication to the company. Employees will be able to take care of themselves and their families thanks to these services. These are the schemes: Healthcare Rewards and recognition Recognition based on points Rewards and promotions If you have any question, please contact me. Thank you. --- KAA Café Manager
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KAA4050 Management of people and organisation Assessmen t 3 Kingsford Academy Australia | CR I CO S : 04036M R TO : 45 88 2 | KA A 4 05 0 | v 1 . 0 Page 26 of 50 of a personal r eward . Q4. Send an email to Maggie- a teammate (your assessor). The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite and warm) style. It should thank her for her efforts and her innovative approach to achieving the strategic go als . Give her the details of the reward that you are awarding h er . Dear Rupesh and Café Team! On behalf of the administration of the KAA Cafe , I would like to thank each and every one of you for the excellent work you have done. Possessing the tenacity, drive, and dedication to consistently go above and beyond to get the finest results is genuinely admirable. Maggie, we want you to know that the KAA Cafe management team values the time and effort you dedicate to your work and that you will be the first to get a personal reward. We'll give you a certificate and a bonus as a way of saying thanks for your work. Please accept my sincere thanks one more. We are lucky to have each of you on our team. Sincerely, Hello, Maggie We would want to thank you for your amazing efforts, which have generated a great deal of favorable feedback. The cafe might employ this project as an illustration of how a project team can define goals and obtain organizational support because it succeeded in doing so. Your staff feels appreciated and recognized for their efforts because of the thoughtful and deserving homage you made to each of their accomplishments. Once more, words cannot adequately explain how much I appreciate what you have done for KAA Cafe . I want to use your skills in the future. Best wishes name KAA Café Supervisor
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