Ch 13: Case Study-Sex Discrimination
Mary Claire Dale
Which of these three problems should Randy focus on first?
The first problem Randy should work on first are the complaints about unfair pay.
In the study it says that Randy found that most men are paid more than women because of job demand differences, difference in duties, and some of the men have worked there longer than some of the women. However, this is clear evidence that there has been a difference in treatment in regards to the male and female employees. Furthermore, the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Title Seven, prohibits the discrimination of sex, but discrimination is allowed if certain skills needed apply to a specific position meaning if certain types of people must work certain jobs, then it is acceptable. Randy must decide if the differences that he found are covered under the Civil Rights Act. 2.
Which one is the greatest legal risk?
The payment accusation against male employees from the female employees is a great legal risk, however the women that have reported the unfair treatment while pregnant is the greatest legal risk. Pregnancy discrimination is covered under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and it states that, “ it is illegal for an employer to dictate a specific timeframe for women who take maternity leave.” So, if any of those employees were treated in such a manner they have the right to file a complaint with HR against the hotel.
The Act also states that it is illegal not to hire someone just because they are pregnant. As long as they can complete the tasks covered in the job description, they have
a right to be hired. Randy discovered that the company policy over the housekeepers and