PAD 345 Module One Graphic Organizer
Complete the graphic organizer below by addressing the critical elements in the left column and filling out the appropriate information in the right column. This assignment will be graded according to the criteria in the Module One Graphic Organizer Guidelines and Rubric document.
Critical Element
Your Response
Policy Chosen
State the policy chosen.
The 2040 Plan for Northwest Indiana: How Public Engagement Guided the Formation of the Plan.
Problem Overview
Provide an overview of the problem that the policy was addressing.
A platform for discussing regional concerns pertaining to community and economic development, transportation, and the environment is provided by the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC). In addition, NIRPC serves as Northwest Indiana's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), coordinating the funding and prioritization of regional transportation projects with local transit operators, state and federal transportation departments, and other relevant parties. The NIRPC is being asked to help regional partners and local governments create integrated land use and transportation plans, promote efforts at economic development, and actualize protected green infrastructure and land protection. In addition to protecting farmland, environmentally sensitive areas, and significant ecosystems, this policy addressed the region's growth and conservation efforts, which made a link between transposition and land use—including a train system—necessary.
Policy Environment
Identify the policy environment or context.
What is going on in the broader context (community, state, nation, etc.)?
Do people seem polarized, apathetic, etc.?
The NIRPC was founded in 1965 as a substate, multifunctional, area-wide planning institution. The NIRPC's initial focus was on urbanized regions' transportation planning procedures. With time and progress, the emphasis has widened to cover regional environmental, social, and economic development issues in Northwest Indiana, which includes the counties of Lake, Porter,
and La Porter. An area with over 770,000 residents that includes 41 cities and 44 townships. To provide a comprehensive vision for the sustainable expansion and revival of this tri-county area, the 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan (CRP) was created in 2011. Updated in May 2015, the project was renamed 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan Update Companion per federal law standards, which mandate updates every four years. Not as an original idea, but rather as a focal
point in terms of shifting financial and demographic factors. Throughout the process, citizens have been actively engaged as the primary source of qualitative input. The response to this feedback has been positive.
Identify Stakeholders
Who are the main stakeholders identified in the scenario (both those engaged in and those impacted by the development of this policy)?
The residents of Northwest Indiana, local business owners, and investors are the primary stakeholders. Leaders in state and federal government are working to implement the plan in phases that will assist guarantee that the policy's financial and demographic aspects will be adequately addressed and updated.