After completing the Inclusive Leadership Reflection, my final score was a 9. The score of 9 put
me at the lower end of exemplifying many behaviors of an inclusive leader (Northouse, 2022).
The area that I had the most no checked, was in teams as a facilitator. It is important to develop
a leadership style or skill that identifies gaps and developmental needs and then formulate an
action plan to facilitate skill building (Northouse, 2022). I also need to focus on asking team
members how they would like to contribute and what roles they would like to have in the
decision-making process.
Inclusive leaders motivate, support and make all members feel included (Cevik et al., 2023).
Northouse (2022) and Cevik et al. (2023) found that inclusive leadership enables members to
feel belonging and valued. Employees who do not have a voice or are not part of the decision
making process, are often not connected to the organization. This can cause employees to not
rely on the intentions of the organization (Civek et al., 2023). In education, teachers are not
always a part of the decision-making process. Information is passed down and teachers are
expected to follow.
Being an inclusive leader allows for followers to feel respected for their uniquenesses and
differences. An inclusive leader is able to build characteristics in followers such as confidence
and organizational commitment (Civek et al., 2023).
When looking at the quadrant for combinations and uniquenesses and belongingness,
individuals want to be in the inclusion section. Individuals in the inclusion section are treated as
insiders and are encouraged to keep uniqueness within the group (Northouse, 2022). Often
times in education, differences and uniquenesses are not always valued.
I serve as an advocate and role model for inclusive leadership, as I have demonstrated various
behaviors associated with inclusivity. Inclusive leadership is rooted in building relationships and
adapting to the group dynamics and environment. Being part of inclusive organizations goes
beyond displaying compassion and care; it also involves embracing humane values,
demonstrating courage, and fostering more profound and authentic relationships (Gallegos,
2014). Inclusive leaders possess curiosity and self-awareness of their biases and actively seek
and evaluate alternative perspectives. Inclusive leaders strive to ensure fair treatment for all,
making employees feel valued, included, and provided with the necessary tools and support to
reach their full potential. Inclusive leaders also acquire knowledge about different cultural
traditions, recognizing both similarities and differences. Alongside fearlessly advocating for
inclusivity, inclusive leaders must also focus on building a diverse and inclusive workforce.
(Malik, 2023).
The primary objective of inclusive leadership is to establish an environment that fosters
inclusion, respect, and acceptance for individuals and groups. In contemporary discourse, the
term "woke" is commonly used to refer to left-wing movements and ideologies that prioritize
identity politics and address perceived social injustices. It explores societal inequality and racial
discrimination (Thomason et al., 2023). However, the term has taken on ironic connotations and