Assignment #1 Part 2



York University *

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Jun 27, 2024





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Myra Gharbarran / CSHR1010 - Assignment #1 Part 2 / November 12, 2023 Reflecting from the first part of this assignment, my areas of opportunity and action plan have been a challenge to part-take in. It was not only successful, but it provided insight when dealing with long-term and short-term goals. My opportunities of growth were to be more open minded towards training and development. This gives me the chance to allow new hires to develop skills required on the job, rather than starting employment with the skills required. The other area of opportunity is within employee selection; hiring new staff with the company’s goals in mind, of which is to provide equal experience. Lastly, my action plan was to create a proper training schedule for the new hires. A proper training schedule maintains consistency as similar information is being delivered by the same people, preventing confusion. After a few weeks of the new employees being onboarded, I was able to create a schedule on how I would like to train them. It began with online training such as videos and modules, and getting their personal information logged into their account. The next shift, I would provide them with a sheet of paper that allows them to find 50 popular items within the retail store. As this is like a scavenger hunt, it allows them to get familiar with the store, as well as our products. Within the same shift, I would show them how to use our technology (a scanner) and its functions for product information. This will aid their task in returning items to where they belong. Both the scavenger hunt, as well as putting items back where they belong allows the employee to be more familiar with the store and its layout. For their third shift, I would get them to shadow another employee on cash for purchases and returns. This allows them to see what is expected of them when they cash out a customer and how we respond. With guidance of the current employee, the new employee can part-take in cashing out customers until they become more familiar with the systems. As they Jump from the sales floor to cash, the employee 1
becomes integrated with the roles and responsibilities expected of them. Of course, with understanding that there are staff to support and help out when needed, they will not be left alone. There is a continuation of results as the new employees are still in the process of training and getting comfortable. However, the majority have already settled in, and are taking the initiative to learn and guide customers around the store with confidence. Patience is required to train the new employees in an organized manner, which will be reflected through their work ethic. Allowing them to receive information at a more consumable pace, allows for better knowledge retention. In terms of my opportunities, I have seen myself grow as I continue to be patient when training others. As mentioned before, an employee's work ethic is a reflection of one’s training, which also comes hand in hand with one’s management. Patience creates a neutral and safe environment between staff as well as in the workplace. As I remain as a key holder and interim customer experience manager, the store now has found a permanent customer experience manager. However I do see that the same staff I have trained continuously reach out to me for help, as they are trusting and comfortable with my knowledge of operations. This has impacted my career in a positive way. I am able to accommodate and provide a space in which people feel there is consistency and a safe space to speak their needs, or provide feedback without bracing for the impact of something negative. They also feel valued as they are being trained and spoken with ease and understanding. My experience after taking this course in terms of my goals and career objectives allows myself to break down everyday situations (good or bad), and how to deal with them in an
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