Online Activity: Through Your Child’s Eyes:
American Sign Language
Watch a video titled “Through Your Child’s Eyes: American Sign Language” then respond to the following questions
What sense comes naturally for children? (1 point) 2.
True or False: American Sign Language is third most popular language in the United States. (Write, highlight, or circle your answer) (1 point) 3.
When will babies typically develop their first words? (1 point) 4.
Why is it critical for parents or caretakers to develop relationships with deaf children? (Hint: the answer is shared throughout the video, provide a summary of key points about relationships between families and deaf children) (3 points) 5.
What surprised you the most with the video? It can be a commentary by a parent and/or the whole premise of the video. (2 points) 6.
Throughout the video, what does the key symbolize? (2 points)