3-4 Lenses Chart



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Information Systems


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by GeneralProtonHawk82

IDS 100 Project 1: Lenses Chart Template Prompt: To help guide your exploration of the four liberal arts lenses, you will complete the following lenses chart. You will use the information you gather in this chart on Projects 2 and 3, the KWL chart and the presentation. After exploring each liberal arts lens, complete the associated column in the table below. Be sure that you are making notes about the lens, not about the subject of the articles you reviewed (air pollution). The goal is to capture the main characteristics of each lens in the chart to help you see the similarities and differences between the lenses, and to also gain an understanding of how professionals in each field approach finding information. Aspects of the Lens Social Science Natural Science History Humanities Key Characteristics What are some characteristics? -inter/intrapersonal -Search deeper than empirical evidence -Always hypothesizing -Meticulous -Meticulous, methodical -Accurate, precise -Caring, compassionate -Fast acting, quick to jump Types of Questions What questions would a professional from this lens ask when studying a topic? -What types of groups do not interact with each other and why? -How does an increase in water temperature impact shellfish? -When did ___ happen, and why did it happen; did it shape events of the future? -What makes us human? Where are we going/what are we doing about it? Types of Evidence How do professionals from each lens gather information? What sources are they using? (primary vs. secondary sources) Primary and secondary sources: Economics studies the past and present market conditions and can make comparisons Primary sources: Measuring conditions of water/life at the bottom of the sea floor Secondary sources: History that has been documented is taught. Historians document long standing and important changes in history Primary and Secondary sources: Humanities such as law and politics collect data and information from current public opinion and past records Commonalities & Differences How are any of the above lenses (social science, natural science, history and humanities) similar to each Commonalities (You may add additional bullets as needed) All sciences are based on evidence, how much evidence that backs each branch's claims is here nor there. Primary and secondary sources are not always in all branches. All of the sciences are asking questions that point in the same direction of human betterment, all sciences are aiming to help people and the world
other? How are any of the lenses different from each other? Differences (You may add additional bullets as needed) Some sciences deal more with human emotion, complex, and reptilian thinking while others are focused on larger world problems Social sciences and Humanities could be labeled under the same umbrella because they both are involved with how humans interact now, or are going to in the future.
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