Assignment: Running a T-Test
Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:
Collect data into an Excel file.
Run a t-test using statistical software.
Interpret t-test results.
Make a recommendation based on data.
Course Outcome addressed in this assignment:
Calculate inferential statistics.
Assignment Directions:
In the data collection discussion from Unit 1, collect the data that students provided for
Variable B and Variable C into an Excel file.
For this assignment, assume the data are continuous values representing the measured
radial pulse in two groups of adults randomly selected to participate in a therapy trial to
lower heart rate. Group 1 (Variable B data) was assigned to take a placebo. Group 2
(Variable C data) was assigned an innovative drug being researched. Using appropriate
statistical software, such as PSPP or SPSS, produce a t-test analysis. Describe the results
of the analysis in a report.
Write at least 500 words and include a heading with your name, date, assignment,
and course.
Summarize the research scenario and justify the reasoning for running a t-test.
Identify the research hypotheses in your report.
Identify and interpret the t-test results with sufficient detail.
Provide a recommendation for the proposed treatment, on whether the data supports
an improvement over placebo or not.
Any references should come from credible sources and use APA documentation.
Include a highly developed viewpoint that is free from plagiarism.
Organize your paper with subheadings.
Proofread to be free of grammar and spelling errors.
Submitting Your Work
Save the Word file using the proper naming convention: username-HS345-section-Unit
5_Assignment.docx (username is your school username, section is your course section).
When you are ready, go to the Dropbox and submit. To view your graded work, come back
to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.