What resource(s) has been most helpful to you in this unit?
The live binder and my lab's student walkthrough resources have been the two tools in this
course that I have found most helpful. My lab allows me to access many materials, including learning
tools/videos and study schedules. I benefit greatly from this because practice makes perfect. Thanks to
the live binder, I can watch how things should be done. I wish every college class had access to the live
binder since I learn best visually.
Any advice/suggestions that you can share with your classmates?
I would caution my peers against rushing through the process. To achieve any form of
improvement, you must trust the process. I can assure everyone in my class that they will see progress if
they set aside a few hours to do the reading, labs, and learning exercises. This is based on my own
experience. Even though math is my weakest subject, I do my hardest every day to improve because
progress is not always automatic. You must put in the effort!
On the Unit 1 Vocab game, I received a score of 4/5. I realized that I read the answers wrong. I ended up
playing the game and then received a score of 5/5.
On the Unit 2 Vocab game, I received a score of 5/5.