Question
/
points
Which
of
the
following
Python
methods
in
scipy.stats
submodule
returns
the
P-value
for
performing
a
hypothesis
test
for
the
significance
of
the
correlation
coefficient?
Select
one.
pearsonr
from
pandas
module
pearson
from
scipy
module
e
pearsonr
from
scipy
module
pearson
from
pandas
module
Question
3/
points
The
linregress()
method
in
scipy
module
is
used
to
fit
a
simple
linear
regression
model
using
“Reaction”
(reaction
time)
as
the
response
variable
and
“Drinks”
as
the
predictor
variable.
The
output
is
shown
below.
What
is
the
correct
regression
equation
based
on
this
output?
Is
this
model
statistically
significant
at
5%
level
of
significance
(alpha
=
0.05)?
Select
one.
LinregressResult(slope=6.000000000000001,
intercept=3.9999999999999964,
rvalue=0.9728166526882823,
pvalue=0.0010983582017795293,
stderr=0.7141428428542851)
Reaction
=
6.0000
+
3.9999
Drinks,
model
is
not
statistically
significant
Reaction
=
3.9999
+
6.0000
Drinks,
model
is
not
statistically
significant
Reaction
=
6.0000
+
3.9999
Drinks,
model
is
statistically
significant
e
Reaction
=
3.9999
+
6.0000
Drinks,
model
is
statistically
significant