Correa 1
Liz Correa
Dr. Charman
SOP 3004
November 8
, 2023
Assignment 2: The IAT
Test 1: Hispanic Americans and European Americans
My response suggested a slight automatic preference for European Americans over Hispanic Americans. Test 2: Thin People and Fat People
My response suggested a strong automatic preference for Thin people over Fat people.
Associations between concepts (like European Americans and Hispanic Americans)/ (Thin people and Fat people) and concepts (like Good, Bad) are measured by the IAT. When products that are more mentally tied to one another share a button, people react more quickly. For example, you sort words more quickly when "European Americans" and "Good" share a button than when "Hispanic Americans" and "Good" share a button if you have an implicit preference for European Americans over Hispanic Americans. The same goes for “Thin people” and “Good”
when there is an implicit reference for thin people, as there was one in my place. In my case, it seems as if I sorted words more quickly, which therefore shows a preference, when "European Americans" and “Good” were paired as well as “Thin” and “Good” when they were paired.