New Product Development Models
In this module, we turn our focus to development models, specifically, the
lean startup and agile approaches, stage-gate, and the agile-stage-gate
hybrid model. All of these models have been tried by NPD teams, and have
applications in new product development relative to the reduction in time it
takes to complete major iterations of an idea, eliminate waste from the
product development process, determine and drive down costs, and mitigate
risk in the development process.
In the video
Evangelizing for the Lean Startup
, Eric Ries, author and
entrepreneur, discusses new product development with the lean startup
model. Ries discusses the lean startup mostly in the context of software
development, but the model has relevance to the development of many
types of products. The video is a great companion to your readings this
week, and includes interesting insights about NPD.
Initial Post
After watching the video, share and discuss at least one thing
Evangelizing for the Lean Startup
that resonated with you, then select
any three of the five questions below to discuss with your colleagues:
Why do most startups fail?
What ideas about agile product development can be borrowed from
tech startups and applied to a manufactured product, or more
typical NPD?
When thinking about development models like Stage-Gate Model,
Lean Product Development, and Agile Development, is one model
better than the rest, or is there a time and model for all new
product developments?
How do the 8 Steps of NPD line up with the lean startup and other
development models?
What are your critiques of Eric Ries and the ideas he presents
Evangelizing the Lean Startup