Sara Roman
HIS 200: Applied History
Southern New Hampshire University
November 4, 2023
Preliminary Writing Plan
For my historical event analysis, I have chosen to focus on the Cherokee Trail of Tears an
event that took place in American during the 1830s. The Cherokee was one of five civilized
Native American tribes that the Federal government forced to relocated to “Indian Territory” in
the area now known as Oklahoma. This forced relocation occurred because of The Indian
Removal Act of 1830 enacted by President Andrew Jackson. This bill gave the ability to the
Federal government to negotiate treaties with the Native American tribes in order to trade their
land for unsettled land west of the Mississippi. According to historians, few tribes went
peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy which resulted in the Cherokee tribe being
forcibly moved west. During the forced relocation, the Cherokee tribe experienced hunger,
disease, and exhaustion. It is unknown the exact number of fatalities the tribe experienced while
traveling west but it is believed to be over 4,000.
In examining the Cherokee Trail of Tears