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Dec 6, 2023





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Département d’histoire | History Department Faculté des arts / Faculty of Arts HIS 2129 B History 2129: Technology, Society, and Environment since 1850 Professor: Jean-Louis Trudel Office hours: by appointment (Zoom) NAME : ________________________________________ NUMBER : ________________________________ Assignment 2 (due November 1, 2023) Option A: (double-spaced; outside sources may be used, but must be cited properly) 1) Identify four (4) cities where North American governments located research laboratories during World War II as part of the war effort. [2 points] 2) According to Winner, how were McCormick's molding machines and the low bridges of Moses similar in a way that differentiated them from television, which may be used to promote an unsavoury candidate? Explain fully. [2 points] 3) Explain clearly why 19th-century city governments believed that sewers would slow down the spread of disease. [1 point] 4) What was the average size of a radio station's audience in 1923? Justify your answer. [1 point] 5) Identify four (4) recognizably American features of U.S. automobiles in 1939. [2 points] 6) Why is the vegetation found by the side of the road in North America often different from the prevailing flora of the local area? [1 point] 7) Efficiency experts such as Frederick Taylor and the Gilbreths sold their methods for improving industrial productivity as being "scientific". Show how this characterization was bolstered by identifying two (2) ways of communicating that their approach was "scientific". Elaborate sufficiently. [1 point]
2 Option B: (750 words, double-spaced, footnoted, outside sources may be used) The essay by Bernward Joerges focuses on an example given by Langdon Winner's 1980 essay to illustrate the achievement of intended political outcomes through the design of certain technologies. Explain how Joerges refutes Winner's argument about the parkway bridges of Robert Moses. How does the dismissal of that example affect the larger argument put forward by Winner? Justify your answer. Provide evidence for all of your points and a reasoned argument drawing upon the logic of both essays as necessary . [10 points] Option C: (750 words, double-spaced, footnoted, outside sources may be used) Use one of the News and Breakthrough items on the website to identify a technological system with political implications. Explain whether the relationship between the technological artifact(s) involved and the political consequences is one that derives from design choices, as in Winner's first category, or one that derives arguably from the intrinsic nature of the technology, as in Winner's second category. [10 points]
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