World History 3.2 Assignment: Slave Trade (35 pts)
Your Name
INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the prompts, which are in green, and respond in the white sections. Each section matches a part of your online lesson. Write in complete sentences and include details from the lesson or text as much as possible. 4. Concept: Empires ONE paragraph for full credit.
Compare the treatment of slaves before European involvement and after European involvement. Standards: RH.9-10.1, RH. 9-10.2, RH.9-10.3, WRST.9-10.1, WRST.9-10.2
5. Learn: Economic Trade ONE paragraph for full credit. 5pts
What is the economic importance of slavery?
Standards: RH.9-10.1, RH. 9-10.2, RH.9-10.3, WRST.9-10.1, WRST.9-10.2
6. Learn: Slavery - ONE paragraph for full credit. 5pts
What is the impact of the African slave trade on Africa? North America? Latin America?
Standards: RH.9-10.1, RH. 9-10.2, RH.9-10.3, WRST.9-10.1, WRST.9-10.2
7. Learn: Impact
Complete the chart below by identifying 2 short term effects and 2 long term effects for each region involved in the Atlantic Circuit. Use the examples for the Americas as a guide.
Must have at least TWO examples in each box. Do not have to be complete sentences - can use bullets. 20pts
Standards: RH.9-10.1, RH. 9-10.2, RH.9-10.3, WRST.9-10.1, WRST.9-10.2
Ex. Spanish introduced sugarcane to the West Indies.
Ex. The switch from a tobacco economy to a sugar economy caused a sharp and significant increase in the volume of the Atlantic Slave Trade.
CCSD College, Career, Equity, and School Choice Unit April 2019
K-12 Online and Blended Learning Department