Module One Activity_AO



American Public University *

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Jun 24, 2024





Uploaded by aouellette637

HIS 100 Module One Activity Template: Project Topic Exploration You must pick a topic from the Research Topics Lists in the Library Research Guide. While it is a good idea to choose your topic early, you may change it until the next module. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses. Support your responses with specific details and examples. Identify the topic you chose to explore: Tulsa Massacre Explain what you already know about the chosen topic based on your personal history or experiences. From what I already know about this topic is that it was a racial war that occurred in the 1920’s. There were many factors that led to this massacre but it’s my understanding one of those last incidents was when a black male was accused of sexually assaulted a white female. It is also my understanding that the massacre targeted an affluent black community known as “black wall street.” I am looking forward to understanding and learning more about what other incidents led to the massacre. Describe the beliefs, assumptions, and values you have related to the topic you chose. Most of my beliefs, assumptions, and values are centered around humanity, equity, anti-racism, and anti-violence. For those reasons I felt connected to this topic immediately and knew it would be something I would like to learn more about and understand from a historical perspective. My personal opinions and perspectives on this topic have already had me conclude that this was a senseless act of violence and racism and there is no good to viable reason for it to have happened. I am slightly concerned about how this will impact my ability to research the topic. I am looking forward to learning more about how to overcome that. Explain why this topic is relevant to current events or to modern society. This topic is relevant to modern society as a we continue to face a war on race in the United States. There continue to be current events that might not be quite as catastrophic as the Tulsa Massacre but mimic the events that led up the massacre. These events are important to understand as they mimic history that society is supposed to learn from. 1
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