7-2 Module Seven Short Responses



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Jun 26, 2024





Uploaded by MajorNeutron9102

Module 7 Short Responses – Question 1 Name three historical lenses that you could apply to gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white settlers. Be sure to respond to this question in no more than one sentence, using proper grammar. To gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white settlers, one could apply the economic lens (i.e., factors like trade networks and competition for resources), the social/cultural lens (i.e., cultural differences and misconstruing of cultural norms and customs), and the political lens (i.e., the role of government policies and treaties). Module 7 Short Responses – Question 2 Revise the thesis statement at the top of this page to reflect a more complex view of the relationship between Natives and white settlers. Your revised thesis statement should be longer than one sentence. In the early 19th century, tension and conflict between Natives and white settlers were caused in part by disputes over land. However, there were other factors that contributed to these tensions, including economic competition, cultural differences, and government policies. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 3 Name three historical lenses that you could use to look at the events described in the video you just saw. In the video, three lenses could be applied: the cultural lens, the political lens, and the social lens. The cultural lens could be used to examine the way in which Puritan Pilgrims' beliefs and viewpoints impacted how they interacted with Native Americans, the political lens could be used to examine the treaties and agreements made between the groups, and the social lens could be used to examine the impact on Native American communities and identities following events like King Philip's War. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 4 Massasoit's decision to approach the Pilgrims about an alliance was contingent on what previous event or events? (Name one or two.) The devastation of disease that had occurred with the Patuxet had also occurred to a slightly lesser degree with the Wampanoag people, and this led to the Narragansett encroaching on
the Wampanoag. In order to protect themselves, English-speaking Natives Squanto and Samoset had to serve as intermediaries for the Wampanoag to approach the Pilgrims and form an alliance. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 5 Name one short-term consequence and one long-term consequence of the alliance between the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims. A short-term consequence of the alliance between the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims was the defense and safety gained by both groups against their enemies. On the other hand, a long- term consequence was that the Native Americans began to slowly lose their own power and thus conflicts like King Philip's War arose. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 6 How has your understanding of the historical event in your essay changed as a result of your research? Describe one instance of a misconception or a wrong idea you had about your topic that has been corrected after researching and writing about it. Initially, I was under the understanding that Malcolm X's assassination had single-handedly led to a deterioration in the Civil Rights Movement and the acquisition of Black power. I now understand that while his assassination did in fact have repercussions on the Civil Rights Movement, they were in very specific areas and had a lot to do with the community outreach and global political goals behind his Organization of Afro American Unity. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 7 Name four historical lenses through which you could analyze the events of the Cherokee Removal. Specify one aspect of this event for each lens that you cite. The political lens could be used to examine the impact of the passage and enforcement of the Indian Removal Act, while the social lens could be used to examine social structures and power dynamics among the Cherokee people that influenced their experiences during the Removal. The economic lens could be used to examine the economic interests and access to resources that were at the heart of white settlers' push for the Cherokee removal, while the cultural lens could be used to examine the resilience of the Cherokee people even in the context of both assimilation and preservation of customs and traditions alike. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 8
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