Alana CJ 2350 - Hearsay Position Paper



Utah Valley University *

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Jun 18, 2024





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Alana Elín Steinarsdóttir CJ 2350 - Laws of Evidence Utah Valley University Professor Bryson K. Lystrup November 19th 2023 Hearsay Position Paper According to Rule 802 and 804(b)(1), Tiffany's statement made under oath at a preliminary hearing will be allowed as evidence in Doug's trial, even though she is not present, because it is considered hearsay. The statement indicates that Doug had money problems and asked Tiffany for a gun and car before the robbery occurred. Additionally, the investigation revealed that Doug sent Tiffany a large sum of money and a note saying, "Enjoy the Bahamas without me." Tiffany's statement will be admissible at Doug's trial, according to Rule 802 and 804(b)(1).
Despite the provision in Rule 804(b)(1) that allows for cross- examination by the opposing party, it is not possible to offer this opportunity in Tiffany's case as she is currently on vacation out of town. It poses a challenge to cross-examine Tiffany when she is not physically present, especially considering she was not even subpoenaed. Tiffany won't have to undergo cross-examination or be subpoenaed as she was cooperative and had already given testimony under oath. The Prosecution investigated and found that Doug's actions were consistent with Tiffany's testimony during the preliminary hearing. Tiffany's statement can be considered valid in court as it falls under the exception of hearsay evidence during preliminary hearings, which is a pre-trial appearance. Additionally, her statement is admissible under the hearsay exception declarant unavailable Rule 804(b)(1) as she gave her testimony as a witness at a trial, hearing, or lawful deposition, whether it was presented during the current proceeding or a different one.
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