Week 6 Reply 1
Hello Erik, you said, “Many other reforms took place, such as regulating child labor, fairness for German workers, humane prison systems, and the fulfillment of many other human needs.” Several different “Missionary Conferences” arose between 1925 and 1948 to create the World Council of Churches. 1
These missionary conferences started the new ecumenical movement heading toward the twentieth century. 2
The missionary expansion throughout the nineteenth century filled Europe and the United States with such an incredible revelation of Christ that emerged worldwide across the nations that helped shape and empower the Christian population. 3
The Christian church in the fourth century grew extensively, and they were very optimistic with zeal for Christ because of the hard-working missionaries that helped serve people, which resulted in millions of Protestants and Orthodox believers coming together. Over 200 million were Roman Catholic, which eventually led to worldwide evangelization. 4
The European and North American missionaries were well-thought-out planners. They organized huge meetings bringing delegates who represented their country together, which later resulted in what Noll states as “Worldwide Christianity,” which stretched into the early 1970’s. 5
This movement brought Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox people together, leading to the World Council of Churches that combined Europe and North America. 6
Mark A. Noll, Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity
, Third Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2012), 263.
Ibid., 264.
Ibid., 265.