SOWK 550 Midterm Exam
Total Points: 60
Directions: Complete the five open-response questions below to the best of your ability. You may use your textbook, notes, and materials available on Canvas. You may NOT work together on this exam. Please be sure to sign the Honor Pledge. Submit through Canvas.
Good luck! Q1: Describe 2 important differences between AAA and AAT (Module 1). (5 points)
Q2: Describe three important limitations to HAB research (Module 2). If you were conducting a study to look at the potential effects of therapy cats on older adults living in long-term care, how would you address each of these limitations to create a robust scientific study? (15 points)
Q3: Imagine your friend asks you for advice on training their Emotional Support Animal to be able to attend class with them. How would you explain the difference between Emotional Support Animals, Therapy Animals, and Service Animals (Module 3)? What would you tell your friend in terms of their goal? (15 points) Q4: i) Explain five signals a dog might display to communicate they are feeling stressed or anxious. These should be LOW-GRADE stress signals, not growling, showing teeth, cowering, etc. (Module 4). (5 points)
ii) As a handler, what are two strategies to help alleviate their distress? (5 points)
iii) Why is this important to understand in the context of conducting animal-assisted interventions? (5 points)
Q5: Imagine you and a colleague wish to start an equine-assisted intervention program. Review
the AAI competencies from Module 6, and clearly state ONE competency from knowledge, skills, OR attitudes that you could effectively contribute to the program. Why is the competency
you listed important for an equine-assisted intervention? Explain why you feel you are able to contribute this competency (what life skills/background/knowledge do you bring?). (10 points)
Honor pledge: By submitting this final exam I pledge that: "I have not given, received, or used any unauthorized assistance." Unauthorized assistance on this exam qualifies as working with any other individual, classmate or other person(s). Type/sign your name in the space below: