During the last 7 weeks, you had an opportunity to learn about various ambulatory health care
settings. At the end of this course, hopefully some of you are a little bit closer to knowing the
direction that you would like to take after graduation. For this discussion please include the
following when replying:
Have you been able to to draw any conclusions in regards to the direction that you'd like to take
your career in?
From the topics presented, which setting/career did you find most interesting?
What path do you think you'll take to reach your ultimate goal? Will you need additional training
and/or education?
Health management consultant
Over the course of the past 7 weeks I've been fortunate enough to learn more about different
ambulatory healthcare settings. As I take a step towards graduation I've been able to assess
further which specialties interest me and what direction I would want to take my career in.
Ideally my final goal would be to work as a health management consultant potentially working
with the reimbursement and payment systems. In terms of a particular ambulatory speciality, I
was most interested in Endocrinology after getting to delve deeper into the topic this semster.
The endocrinology sector would outsource billing for patient visits, procedures and treatments.
Endocrinologists also potentially could integrate fees for service which would be interesting to
see. To reach my ultimate goal, I intend to obtain an internship over the summer to build upon
my skills in different areas whether that be information services, management or potentially
consulting. I’d also like to look into master patient indexing roles as a part time job throughout
my senior year. Upon graduation I would study for and eventually take the RHIA exam and
potentially pursue higher education through an online masters program.