Chapter 13 – Introduction to Health Informatics and Health Information Systems
Watch Presentations and/or Use Google search to answer the following questions:
What is Health Informatics?
Health informatics (HI) (also called medical informatics)
focuses on information technology to positively impact the patient - physician relationship through effective collection, safeguarding, and understanding of health data
Why is Health Informatics important?
Health Informatics is important because it
improves patient experience by organizing, storing, and managing health data through the use of electronic health records (EHR)
What does E patient mean?
Individuals who are equipped, enabled, empowered and engaged in their health and health care
Go to website to answer questions last 2 questions: Posted in Blackboard
Who was e-Patient Dave?
“e-Patient Dave” is the best-known proponent of the e-patient movement: “empowered, engaged,
equipped and enabled.” A survivor of Stage IV kidney cancer in 2007, he was a leader of online discussion forums as far back as 1989 on CompuServe, where he managed active groups in desktop publishing and attention deficit.
What are the Es of the e-Patient movement?
equipped, empowered, enabled, and engaged.