Kami Export - Karvonen Formula



Lone Star College System, North Harris *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Health Science


Jun 26, 2024





Uploaded by AgentPolarBear4115

K ARVONEN F ORMULA FOR D ETERMINING T RAINING I NTENSITY Step 1: Determine your resting heart rate. To do this, take your heart rate on three consecutive mornings before getting out of bed. Count the number of heart beats on your neck (carotid artery) or on your wrist (radial pulse) for 60 seconds. Take the AVERAGE of the three readings and record on lines two (2) and six (6) in the formula below. R ESTING H EART R ATE D ATA : 1. R ECORD THIS ANSWER ON LINES 2 AND 6 IN THE FORMULA IN S TEP 3 BELOW . 2. 3. A VERAGE : /3= Step 2: Determine your age predicted maximum heart rate. This estimate of your maximum heart rate is 2 07 - (.70 X AGE) Record on line one (1) in the formula below. M AXIMUM H EART R ATE : A GE = 1. Maximum working heart rate 2. Subtract resting heart rate 3. Answer (heart rate reserve) 4. Multiply answer by X .60 X .70 X .80 5. Answer 6. Add resting heart rate + + + 7. Answer is Target Exercise rate ⌂ ⌂ Cardiovascular Training Zone 70%-80% NAME A GE 207 - (.70 x ) R ECORD THIS ANSWER ON LINE 1 IN THE FORMULA IN S TEP 3 BELOW . Step 3: Calculate formulas.
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