Activity 2 edited



University of Texas, Arlington *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Health Science


Jun 22, 2024





Uploaded by CommodoreMandrill4233

Activity #2 (40 points) Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 Instructions: Please answer the following questions in a clear and organized manner using complete sentences. Each answer should directly address all parts of the question using information, key terms, and concepts from the textbook and class materials. In other words, your point of view should be informed by the material you are learning in class. Students who simply provide their opinion without support from course materials and peer-reviewed journal articles, will lose points. All responses should be in your own words. Do not copy and paste directly from the book or online sources which is considered plagiarism. Points will be deducted for incorrect or incomplete responses as well as grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. You should also be familiar with the Cheating and Plagiarism Course Policy and the Anti-Plagiarism Software Policy found in the syllabus for this course. To get you thinking about the state of your personal health you will write a brief (3 paragraphs) lifestyle profile about yourself. This profile should include descriptions of your eating habits, exercise, substance use (and/or abuse), and health risks. Assess your functioning in all areas. Where are you succeeding in living well? What areas do you need to work on? What is your worst health- threatening habit? How might you improve these things to live a better and healthier life? (Minimum of 3 paragraphs; 10 points). Visit and explore the different types of toys that are available to promote fine and gross motor skill development. You should be able to identify at least two examples of toys for three broad age- groupings (Infants/Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Aged children) that will promote these motor skills. When the you finish browsing the site, you should have identified 12 toys: two each for fine motor and gross motor skills for each of the three age levels. You then should explain how the toys at each age will
promote acquisition of a motor milestone, noting when appropriate how different toys (even within the same age level) speak to different dimensions of motor development. (10 points). Infants/Toddlers (3 points). Fine Motor Skill toy example and explanation Infants and toddles are developing the fine motor skills of small muscle movement in their hands and fingers, hand-eye coordination, strength, and vision. Some of the best toys for them are building blocks as they become more mobile and they practice moving around like scooting, crawling or waving hands around. Gross Motor Skill toy example and explanation: For infants and toddlers gross motor skills are large muscle movements that involve the arms, legs, and torso. These would include crawling, running, jumping, and throwing. The best toys would be a tummy time mat to learn to roll over and crawl, a ball to roll and throw, and a rattle to shake that will make the muscles in the arms stronger. Preschoolers (3 points). Fine Motor Skill toy example and explanation: For preschoolers there are activities to help improve fine motor skills. Some at which are encouraging them to pick up some objects with tongs, and building with blocks. Gross Motor Skill toy example and explanation: With preschoolers a toy for gross motor skills would include something beneficial to crawling and walking. For example, a tunnel, or a mini or Mickey Mouse crawl with me toy. These are toys that encourage infant that is trying to learn to crawl to want to crawl.
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