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Oct 30, 2023





Uploaded by JusticeScorpion20152

In 1 PH Soil Meter Instrumient| 4101 PH Soil Meter Insteument can test moisture of sofl, PH value, temperature and environment sunlight intensity using s probe with the length of 200mm. The unit ean easily display various readings with oversize LCD, ‘The unit also has low batlery indication and auto power off function, It is saving time, energy, of high efficiency. The unit assures quality of flowers / patplants and garden virescence. ©0L COMPONENTS] A pr@TEMA REY-- moisture. [ON REY~----press tii¢ key to start the unit. TEST PROBE-—----can test PH value. moisture and temperature. . LIGHT SENSOR WINDOW-—-can induct sulight intensity of measured environmont. o B LCD DISPLAY SCREEN ! -mode switch: Set the mode for PH value . temperature or gow e o o | o | xox | wer [ wer iy | v [ et [ v | vemws If the reading is lower than that shown in the table, it's tme to water your plarits. If the reading is higher than that shown in the table, you do not need to water the plants. Chiéck small pots more often than large ones—they dry out more quickly. Over swatering rots the roots, so do net water to0 frequently. Out of season, most plants only need waier once 2 week. JOPERATION TIPS} The unit will be automatically, off after 5 minutes disabling for electricity. The unit only can be used in soil, please don’t place the probe into water or other solutions. Don't leave the probe in the soil longer than necessary to avoid the possibility of damage to the probe. Don't bend the probe- Don’t use the probe to break up the soil. Dot put the probe near metal objects and be sure to keep the probe away from metdl objects, Wipe the probe clean and dry before taking onother test reading and after use. v {1b-12cm)of the probe and any oxides that may have formed on the surface of the metal. Insure that the probe i wiped clean and the protecting bushing is put on the test prohe befare storing in order to avoid the oxidation of the probe. Before testing, plesse Hghtly shine 4 When the unit is withdrawn from the soil, remember nof to grasp the probe. TROUBLESHOOTING: A. Low battery: W » icon will be displayed on LCD, please replace the new battery. B. Out of range, the PH value of the unit Ts 3.5 t0 9.0 and -9°C to +50°C for temperature. C. If stones, organic matter had touched the probe, please wipe and test again, D. Probe do not place too close to the side and/or the bottom of the pot. F. [C/T__OFF KEY- temperaure unit switch/power off key: under femperature mode, press the key fo select temperature unit 05 ‘C or ' (orlginal temperature unit : *C). Keep pressing the key for about 3 seconds o power off, G. PROTECTING BUSHING-— Plosse take the proteoting bushing sway when using the test probe. Put on the protecting bushing when it is not in use to protect the test prabe. ¥ WoHx 1'L_N§§_tw;) B]— PH TEMPT‘E 0 52°C ) JEE . 1030°F & DRYT) UNOR WET+ 4 A. Sunlight intensity display area- 9 Jevels: LOW-.-LOW. LOW+. NOR~, NOR. NOR+. HGH-. HGH. HGH+, cach incrensing in amount und quality. LOW- signifies an extremely dim environment, HGH# signifies an extremely bright environment. B. PH function display C. PH or temperature value display-—---iJt shows 3.5 1o 9.0 for PH value and -9°C to +50°C(16°F 1o 122°F) for temnperature. “Lo™ or “HH” indicates the value is out of the nieasurable range. D. Moisture display area-—--5 levels; DRY+, DRY. NOR. WET. WET+, cach increasing in wetness. WET+ signifies an extremely wet environment while DRY+ significs an extremely dry environment. E. Temperature function display. F. Low battery display--—-The symbol will display on the LCD continuously when the ‘attery is low. & - (OW.TO USE] Please install one 9 volf battery before use (not Incl), ® BATTERY INSTALLATION Open the battery compartment door on the back of the tool and plug one 9 valt block battery onto the battery connector. Put the battery back to the compartment and close the door. @ OPERATION GUIDE CAUTIONS @ Handle with care and do notlet the unit drop down, @ Do not disnssemble the wnit to avoid failuce. @ Dot place the unit with the toolbox. @ Avold dust and water, which may siain the unit, » Do not store the unit sbove S0C. ® Clean the unit with soft fabric. @ Remove the batiery when not in use for s exiended period of time. FNECAL SPECIFICATIONS] Name 4T 1 PH Scil Meter Instrument Test objucts . Sutlght. molsturs. PH valu. _ tommperature sunfight (9 levels) | LOW-o LOW, LOW#. NOR-» NOR. NOR#, HGH-+ HGH. HGH+ Test | moisnice (5levels) | DRY+, DRY. NOR. WET. WET+ ronge | PHvalue C12levels) | 2.56~9.0 (display resslution 0.5 temprrature 9T~+50C (16T ~122°F) (display resolution 1TTAT ) Power supply O 9V block barery (ot fnel) Automatic off The unit will be sutomatically offafier 3 minutes disabli Operating temperature | +5C~+40°C M unlt 12%mm X 63 mm X 3 Siza Test probe 45mm X 200mn Welght About 70.5 g (bafery not inchuded) 1. OPERATION FOR SUNLIGHT MEASUREMENT: a. Pross the (O button to start tho unit, b. Point the light sensor window toward max light source. ©. The current light jatensity will be showed on the LCD. ‘Tips: Please do not obstruct or cast & shadow aver the light sensor, 2. OPERATION FOR PH VALUE: . Switch the button on the back of the unit to PH position. b, Push the probe down as vertically as possible into the soil which needed to be tested. Do not push the probo too near the stem to avoid damage to the d. PH value of the tested soil will be displayed on LCD. <. Take several readings o confirm your findings, Tips: 1. Insert the probe straight up and down, about halfvay between the plant stem and the edge of the pot, For pots over 127 in diameter, pesition the probe about a third of fhe way between the stem and he cdge of the pot. For a deep pot, insert the probe more deeply aiming for whers the herviest root concentration s likely to be. . 2. Please softly push the probe into ol to avoid damage to the probo. 3. If the tested soil s exwremely dry or too nutrient and can’t be tested PH value, the user shonld sprinkle some water inte the soil. Test again afier hattan hour. 3. MOISTURE MEASUREMENT: &. Switch the ‘button on the back of the unit to @/TEMP position. b. Push the probe down as vertically as possible into the soil. Do not push the probe too near the stem 1o avoid damage to the plant’s root, c. Press [ON button 1o starl the unit. d, Moisture of the tested soil will be displayed on LCD. e. Tale several readings to-cpnfirm your findings. 1. Insert the probe straight up and down, about halfway betwecn the plant stem and the edge of the pot. For pots over 12” in diameter, position the probe about a third of the way between {he stem and the edge of the pot. For & deep pot, insert the probo more deeply aiming for where the heaviest root concentration is Tikely to be. 2. Please softly push the probe into soil to avoid damage o the probe. Operation Manual 4, TEMPERATURE OF THE SOIL MEASUREMENT &, While testing moisture, the temperature of the soil will be displayed on LCD at the same time, b, Press [C7F_QFH button to set the unit of temperature is 'C or F. Tips: If the user dossn’t push the probe into soil, the cursent environment temperature will be displayed on the LCD, © INTERPRET ENVIRONMENT SUNLIGHT INTENSITY READING: Appropriate light docs well in plant’s growth (Some plants need more light than others). The unit has graduated the environment light and display according to intensity, which can offer reference for your plant’s growth, Here i the Jist: T nuch wov [ ow | tows | mow | wor | woms | mom | mon | nawr vy | tow | owan | ity | oornsl | sy e | ® INTERPRETATION OF PH VALUES OF THE SOIL: Fxtremely acid or alkaline is important factor for resirieting plant's growth and feadure, Most plants can't grow in the sofl which is cxtremely acid or alkaline. By testing your soil, the user can choose plants with the correct PH or ndjust PH ‘more agcurately, effectively and economically, PH =7 indicates a neutral soil Below PH <7-——avidic soil . Above PH > 7-w—alkaline soil Here is ihe list of PH value of the soi! compared with acidity and eikalinit Otof range " - I T>Outofrangs oo [Row], e b skt ity Lo 35 4045 ] 50|55 |60 as| 70 |75 80| 85|50 | m Lok up the PH reference list. If the PH reading is Jower than the PH range for your plant, then you ean add Jime o increase PHL If the PH seading is higher han the PH reference range for your plant, then You can add chomicals and organics 10 reduce PH. ‘Tips: Raising or lowering PH is not an exact science and most planis have 8 seasonably wide PH tolorance. A majority of plants can survive on & PH around 6.5, some need a partioularly acid or alkaline soil. ® SOIL MOISTURE:
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