Research Proposal Defense Peer Assessment Form
Prior to the research proposal defense, please pick one person in your group whose work you
would like to assess. Please also develop three supportive and engaging questions you would
like to ask them about their proposal and list those questions below.
During the proposal defense presentations, please assess the presentation for the presenter of
your choice by providing a 2-5 sentence response to each of the peer assessment responses. The
responses to the “Reviewer Reflection” questions do not need to necessarily be 2-5 sentences in
length, but should demonstrate a full engagement with the assignment. Evaluator Name: Peer Evaluation
Presenter Name:
Reviewer Questions (to be tailored to this specific research proposal):
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Peer Assessment (Please provide a 2-5 sentence justification for the provided score.)
Does the presenter convince the audience that the proposed research is relevant
Does the presenter convince the audience that the proposed research is original