S N TrrESyus T A TuImnanizer === _ R N Netflix Discussion posts should be reflective of college level writing and discourse. Please be sure that your posts are substantive and are written in depth and detail, As a guide, please use the following word count ranges: & w7: biagn * Initial posts: 250 to 400 words * Reply posts: 125 to 150 words. Replies should relate to the post that you are responding to and in addition, a sk a question, add new information or add a new resource to the discussion. As you have learned this week, diagnosing psychiatric disorders in children has mental health professionals evaluating many factors. Most of this is defined within the DSMS5. Yet there can be problems and a misdiagnosis can occur. What effect might misdiagnosis have on children lives? In addition, some questions of mental wellness may be related to aspects of empathy, sympathy, and morality..How is empathy developed in young children? Why do some have this quality and it seems absent in others? Should we "teach” morality? If so, how is that accomplished? What is the role of parents in developing these very important qualities? You may be tempted to use personal narrative which is fine to a point. BUT, since this is college you must support your ideas with factual content (reference). Remember that emotions may run strong about this "hot" issue, so please be sure to use your netiquette! Important note: While you may prepare a post ahead of time, please post only during the actual week of the discussion. Please post substantively. Rubrics