It was a great pleasure reading your post. I agree with you an educator means
constantly growing and trying to make ourselves better for our students that enter
our classroom every year. I will also try to work with members in my future district
who have a few years of experience that they will be able to share with me. This is
great that you mentioned this. I have been able to learn a lot from my mentor
teacher and from my supervisor for the past few months. Reading about your goals
is interesting. Your long-term goal I have set for myself is to evaluation work
towards earning an endorsement towards become a reading specialist. I know I
need to gain some experience and it may take several years, but I feel that it can be
very helpful when working with young learners. It will be helpful in your teaching
career; I am hoping to continue in my field of education to do my doctorate and to
finish my New York state certification. I also want to do some courses in special
education, I tried to change my major at GCU adding this part on, but I was not
allowed to, but I will do it now. I have also seen many students who need help in
specific areas and want to help them. It was great reading your post and best of
luck in your future.