Student Name:
Making History Poem
Choose a color to be the focus of a poem similar to “The History of Red.”
You can choose a
basic color like blue, green, or black, or something more obscure like chartreuse, cyan, or
goldenrod. Write or type your choice below.
B. Write several sentences that tell the
history of the color. (Your history does not
need to be factually accurate. It’s more important that your words suggest a larger “truth”
about that color or about life in general.)
Write your sentences in the spaces below.
Describe how or why the color came to exist.
(You already wrote a line like this for the
previous page in this lesson
if you like that
line, use it here.)
Describe how people responded to the sudden
existence of the color. Be sure to use specific,
precise nouns and verbs in your lines or
Add several lines describing the long-term
effects of the color’s arrival, discovery, or
creation. (What is it used for now? Where does
it most often appear?
Who needs it most?)