Macbeth Essay Thesis
Valley College, Beckley *
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Nov 24, 2024
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Topic Sentence Of Characters In Macbeth
Topic Sentence:
When there is light, there is shadow. This is true with William Shakespeares Macbeth as the main
character of the same name is slowly transformed into a malevolent person that can only be stopped
by the "light" of another character, Macduff.
Macbeth and Macduff rely on each other as opposing forces in the play but cannot coexist because
of the parallels between them.
Three points:
The rise of Macbeth introduces Macduff
Macduff and Macbeth's characters are foils
Macduff must kill Macbeth to restore balance in the Country
Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence:
As Macbeth rises in power, Macduff's role in the play becomes more prominent.
Sub point:
Macbeths first major villainous deed was killing King Duncan. In the next scene after his actions,
Macduff is introduced to the audience.
Quote: (Act two Scene 3 Lines 41–46)
This quote shows the urgency of Macduff to go see the King right away even though he does not
know what has been done Duncan. Shakespeare does this right after the murder to show the
presence of Macbeths evil is what brought Macduff to existence in the first place and to cement a
future hero in Macduff.
Sub point:
After Macbeth is announced to become King, Macduff refuses to go to Scone to celebrate his
coronation and instead goes home to Fife.
Quote: (Act two Scene 4 Lines 31–37)
This refusal to go celebrate his new Kings coronation is a very big deal considering the time period
of the play. Kings were viewed as second to only god in the great chain of being and to not show up
to a coronation shows complete disrespect from Macduff. Macduff is the only nobleman not to go,
showing how he is different from the rest and the only one suspecting Macbeth may be the culprit.
This unique ability Macduff carries foreshadows his tenacious opposing force against Macbeth later
in the play.
Body Paragraph #2
Topic Sentence:
Macduff's character is used as an effective foil for Macbeth in the play. The foil serves to show the
parallels between these two characters.
Sub point:
Macduff is shown as endearing and emotional while Macbeth is cold and lacks empathy.
(Act two Scene 3 Lines 59–65)
Macduff is genuinely horrified
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Outline of macbeth
Macbeth Outline
I. Introduction
A. Set the mood
1. "There are forces in life working for you and against you. One must distinguish the beneficial
forces from the malevolent ones and choose correctly between them."
2. Reflection: On deep thoughts
3. In William Shakespeare's Macbeth
, Macbeth leads to the destruction of Scotland and himself.
4. Thesis Statement: Even though Lady Macbeth did not play a direct role in King Duncan
's murder,
she was still responsible because of her malevolent and persistent nature towards her husband.
II. Body of Supporting Paragraphs
A. Supports Structure of Thesis:
1. Statement: Lady Macbeth fears that her husband is not more content...
4. Example: "When you durst do it, then you were a man; and to be more than man. Nor time nor
place did then adhere, and yet you would make both. They have made themselves, and that their
fitness now unmake you. I have given suck, and know how tender 'tis to love the babe that milks
me" (1.7. 56–63).
5. Explanation: Macbeth does not want to be seen as a coward and therefore he does what his wife
wants him to do in order to prove himself.
D. Supports Structure of Thesis 1. Statement: Lady Macbeth assures her husband that if everything
goes well they should not fail.
2. Example: "We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we'll not fail. When Duncan
is asleep..., his two chamberlains will I with wine and wassail so convince that memory. The warder
of the brain, shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason a limbeck only. When in swinish sleep their
drenched natures lie as in a death, what cannot you and I perform upon the unguarded Duncan?
What not put upon his spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt of our great quell? (1.7. 69–82)
3. Explanation: Once Macbeth is positive that the plan will work he gets the courage to carry on
with the murder.
4. Example: "My hands are of your
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Body Paragraph On Macbeth
Body paragraph 1
Macbeth is the main character in this Play, he is at the beginning a guy who seems emotionless and
cold. He wants to be king and to have the ultimate power, he wants his wife to be happy and proud
of him.To achieve all his goals he tries everything to become a friend of the king, duncan, and is
really nice to him even thought he just has the ultimate power in his mind. After a while Macbeth is
getting tired of always being nice and faking everything so his wife is trying to persuade him to keep
doing everything to be king. Macbeth is getting help from three witches who set them all the
thoughts about being king in his mind, with his wife many people want to convince him to kill
duncan, so Macbeth is under a lot of pressure. At the end of the play when macbeth killed duncan
and reached his goal to be king,he is really confident and full of himself what makes him think he
can get anything and win everything, but when he fights against Mcduff his head got cut off and he
The witches tell banquo and macbeth but basically Macbeth that he can be king and show him how
nice it would be to be king, they tell them they can more content...
The purpose of this essay is to examine Macbeth's choices and show how he is driven by choice and
not by fate. I believe that the witches who sent Macbeth the idea of having this beautiful life as a
king what made him wants to be king and to kill Duncan.Macbeth was manipulated from the three
witches but he still hadn't to do it. Besides that Macbeth wives, Lady Macbeth, always forces him to
keep trying his best to be king shows that it's not all his free will and he maybe doesn't really feel
like doing it. But through the play at the end you can realize that he got no problems with killing
these people and that he actually wants it and wants to reach his
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Macbeth Equivocation Essay
The story of William Shakespeare's Macbeth is a classic one of betrayal and destiny. One of the
major themes of the play is the use of equivocation to create ambiguity. The definition of
equivocation from the Oxford dictionary is: the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to
avoid committing oneself; prevarication. The very definition of equivocation contains the use of
ambiguity, thus making the two very connected in terms of the story of the play. Equivocation is
used multiple times throughout the piece to create a sense of uncertainty, which in turn makes the
reader not sure of what will happen next. This makes the reading of the play very compelling.
Shakespeare uses equivocation to make the reader think one thing, more content...
Macbeth himself is written like a double meaning, having the characteristics of one personality,
while possessing the features of another. Macbeth, being the title character, is the main focus of the
story. He is the protagonist. In the beginning, Shakespeare writes Macbeth as being the noblest of
warriors. It is only after Macbeth learns from the witches that he will become the King that his
personality begins to change. He goes from being the quintessential protagonist, to a scheming and
paranoid villain. He schemes with Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan, who is portrayed as a kind
and just ruler. In the act of killing Duncan, Macbeth becomes the antagonist and Macduff, the one
who makes it his mission to dethrone Macbeth. Because of Macbeth's status as a tragic hero, he falls
from grace and heroism to shame and villainy. These characteristics are conflicting, therefore
making Macbeth a walking equivocation, a living embodiment of a double meaning. This makes the
reader unsure of Macbeth's fate. Shakespeare makes the audience unsure of what Macbeth will do
next, if he will redeem himself or continue on his downward spiral of darkness. William
Shakespeare uses the uncertainty and ambiguity that accompanies the theme of equivocation to
make the reader not know what to expect. Equivocation is used to showcase the tragic hero fall that
Macbeth experiences. Without the use of equivocation, the story would be more predictable
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Macbeth Essay On Ambition
Shyann Anaya
English 4
Period 5
January 29, 2018
Mr. Trussel
"Ambitious Leaders" THESIS: In Macbeth, the author, William Shakespeare, uses Macbeth's
vaulting ambition to show how misused ambition can be a flaw. In Macbeth, the author, William
Shakespeare, uses Macbeth's vaulting ambition to show how misused ambition can be a tremendous
flaw. A strong desire to do or achieve something runs in all of us. Some people possess that quality
as a flaw. Shakespeare shows in his writing that leaders with flawed ambition will act selfishly and
unfairly, while those who use ambition as a strength will act reasonably and with benevolence. The
basis for a flawed ambitious leader is seen in an award–winning jealous ice–skater, the 37th
president more content...
Simpson was regarded not only as a hero in the football community, but also as a gentle and kind
person. Unfortunately, he fell victim to his own impulsiveness. On June 13th, 1994, Nicole Brown
Simpson and a friend were discovered viciously slaughtered in front of Nicole's home. To this day, it
is still unclear the motive of O.J.'s actions on that fateful night, but there is no doubt he acted out of
rage and impulsiveness. Prior to the murder, O.J. went "into a jealous rage if Nicole so much as cast
a glance in another guy's direction" (Anolik). Because of his anger and impulsiveness, O.J. Simpson
was stripped of his heroic stance and placed in a prison cell. He took control of another person's fate
for his own personal and unknown reasons. Macbeth could have let fate lead itself, but instead he
decided to attempt to control his own future future by murdering his superior. O.J. Simpson, like
Macbeth, was once looked upon as a hero, but was defeated by his own impulsiveness and
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Essay about Macbeth
We see in the play Macbeth that when the motivation to succeed in life becomes overpowering,
other people may easily influence one and elements and one may decide on wrongful actions to
achieve a goal. Some of the influences on Macbeth include the witches and the apparitions, Lady
Macbeth, and lastly Macbeth's own insecurities and misguided attempts to control his future.
The witches and their prophecies are the first major influence on Macbeth's actions. Macbeth seems
happy and content with himself until the witches tell him he will be king. He begins immediately to
consider murdering Duncan. "If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose horrid image
doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, / Against more content...
24–29). When Macbeth decides not to continue with their plan to murder Duncan
, his wife urges
him to act on his desires or he will think of himself as a coward. She says, "Art thou afeard /
To be the same in thine own act and valour / As thou art in desire?" (I, vii. 42–44). She then
makes sure he will perform the deed by taking an active role in preparing for the murder. "his
two chamberlains / Will I with wine and wassel so convince," (I, vii. 70–71) and cleaning up
afterwards, "Give me the daggers: the sleeping, and the dead / Are but as pictures; 'tis the eye
of childhood / That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed, / I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, /
For it must seem their guilt." (II, ii. 69–73).
After he is named king, Macbeth's misery and eventual downfall is caused by his own insecurities
and misguided determination to take control of his future. Firstly, the witches' prophecy concerning
Banquo's descendants and Macbeth's feeling of inferiority to Banquo lead Macbeth to arrange for
the murder of Banquo and his son, Fleance. Having Banquo around him is a constant reminder to
Macbeth of the evil deed he himself has committed and the knowledge that Banquo's, not Macbeth's
children, will be
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Character Analysis of Macbeth Essay
"Macbeth" a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays, how the main character Macbeth,
transforms from a war hero, to a murdering villain. Macbeth starts out as the thane of Glamis and
steadily rises to become King of Scotland. The higher Macbeth rose on his road of power the more
corrupt and evil he became. The character change of Macbeth ignites the whole theme of the play.
Macbeth is shown as a vigorous war hero in the opening scene. "And fortune, on his damned quarrel
smiling showed like a rebel's whore. But all's too weak for brave Macbeth." (1.2 16.18) The captain
expressing the braveness of great Macbeth in Scotland
's battle with the invading Norway hordes. It
didn't take long for the people of more content...
Macbeth decides that he wont murder the king. Lady Macbeth's determination to become queen
influences Macbeth's decision.
"If it were done when tis done, then twere it be done quickly" (1.7 1–2) Macbeth is toying with the
notion to murder King Duncan. Macbeth would not be satisfied until he ruled all Scotland! An idea
turned into a priority, Macbeth wasn't thinking of killing the king he was sure of it. "Is this a dagger
which I see before me, the handle toward my hand
"(2.1 42–43) Macbeth's vision turned out to be
a false creation of the mind that led macbeth to believe that fate was telling him to kill King Duncan.
Near the end of the play Macbeths true evilness comes out. Macbeth paranoia leads him to believe
that everyone is out to get him. " So is he mine, and in such bloody distance that every minute of his
thrusts against my hear'st life" (3.1 128–130) Macbeth grows suspicious of Banquo. The witch's
predictions of Banquo's kids becoming king engulfed all thoughts in Macbeth's head. "I'll make
assurance double sure." (4.1 93) Macbeth is making sure Banquo and his son fleance are murdered.
Macbeth felt the it was best to hire murders to handle fleance and Banquo. Macbeth is overcome
with evil. "From this moment the very firstling of my heart shall be the firstling of my mind" (4.1
165–168) Macbeth's mind no
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Macbeth Mental Illness Paper
In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both show signs of what would today be
diagnosed as symptoms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is defined as "long–term mental disorder of
a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to
faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal
relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation". There are three major
symptoms of this disorder: not knowing the difference between reality and fantasy, jumbled
conversations, and withdrawal physically and emotionally. The most common and most well known
symptom of schizophrenics is when they can't make out what is real and what isn't. more
Or, another cause of the schizophrenia could possibly be their passion.They stove so hard to make
Macbeth king that they became totally obsessed with it. It became all the thought about and their
everything revolved around it. When Lady Macbeth finds that Macbeth has been prophesized to be
king, she doesn't believe he is capable of fufilling the prophecy alone. So, she says to herseld, "hie
thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valor of my tounge which
fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have thee crowned withal." (Act 1, scene 5, lines 23–28)
Macbeth becomes so passionate about becoming king that he killed anyone who could possibly take
the throne away from him, even King Duncan. " I have done the deed", he said to his wife after
killing him. (Act 2, Scene 4, line 14)
Macbeth shows several symptoms of schizophrenia. These symptoms are techniques that
Shakespeare uses to create the idea that Macbeth actually has a mental illness. Macbeth's main
symptom is detachment from reality. While contemplating killing Banquo to secure his fate,
Macbeth begins to see an imaginary dagger in front of him. He asks, "Art thou not, fatal vision
sensible to feeling as to sight, or art thou a dagger of the mind, a false creation, proceeding from the
heat–opposed brain?" (Act 2, Scene 2, lines 35–39). Then after Banquo is dead, Macbeth believe he
sees his ghost during dinner with the county's nobility. Macbeth says, "The
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Literary Analysis of Macbeth Essay
Literary Analysis of Macbeth Having a lust for power can cause a loss in many things. It's as if
you're in a win–lose situation. In this case, the play Macbeth written by Shakespeare has scholars
sayings, "The lust for power by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth led to a loss of humanity." With that
said, I totally agree with their view. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth went out of their way to even
killing King Duncan and burdening the murder on his guardsmen. Even though that's a common
human act, you just don't do something like that. It's just so wrong. The acts of both these people are
very evil and violent, in which causes Macbeth to move from one act of endangerment to another
just to protect himself from a great disaster which I likely more content...
With the visit to King Duncan, the King announces that his son Malcolm will be heir to the throne.
In Macbeth's mind, all he can think about is murdering the King and all that will come along with it.
Macbeth sends a letter to his wife telling of all that has happened and to prepare for the King's visit.
In order to keep the murder in her mind she doesn't want anything to get in her way, so she even
goes to the point of seeking evil and not wanting to be a women–afraid of the feminine ways which
will interfere in the murder. When Lady Macbeth says, "Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal
thoughts, unsex me here, / And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top–full/ Of direst cruelty! Make
thick my blood; (I v ll. 44–47) it shows how far Lady Macbeth is willing to go to make sure her
husband and herself gets to the top. She even goes to the point to call upon the spirits to unsex her
and fill her with cruelty to make sure that here feminine ways don't cause the plan to go wrong. A
huge act of lusting for power taking place which led to a loss of humanity was when the killing of
King Duncan actually took place. The way he died was very unfortunate for Scotland but at least he
died without torture. Lady Macbeth's plan was to get King Duncan's guardsmen drunk in which she
did. That then led to an open path to walk in and carry out the murder of the King. However, a
weakness rose for Lady Macbeth; the resemblance of her father was seen in the King and led her to
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Thesis Statement In Macbeth
In David Brook's article, "Lincoln Standard", he expounds the characteristics or qualities that made
Abraham Lincoln one of the greatest leaders that has ever led the American nation.The qualities
include "a fundamental vision, a golden temperament, and a shrewd strategy". The "Lincoln
Standard" could be applied to anyone that holds the position of a leader. For instance, Macbeth
, the
protagonist of Shakespeare's play named after him, would be a perfect contender for the Lincoln
Test. Macbeth is a valiant warrior, prepared to die for his king. However, the prophecies of the three
witches greatly increases his ambition to become king, especially when he learns the first two
prophecies have come true, and he becomes the Thane of Glamis and the Thane of Cawdor.
Macbeth succeeds in becoming the King of Scotland after murdering the rightful king, but he is
soon punished for his crime. Macbeth's fundamental vision is to become the King of Scotland by
assassinating King Duncan. As Macbeth returns from battle, he meets the three witches. They
predict that Macbeth will possess the titles of the "Thane of Glamis", the "Thane of Cawdor", and
become the future King of Scotland (1.3.49–50). Macbeth begins to form his design after hearing
the witches' predictions. After the witches vanish, a messenger enters and greets Macbeth with the
title of Cawdor. With this marvelous news, Macbeth's desire to become king grows, and he talks to
himself and whispers, "two truths are told, as happy
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Order and Disorder in Macbeth
In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macbeth's visions and hallucinations play a significant role and
contribute to the development of his character. In the play Macbeth, a man is driven to murder his
king and his companions after receiving a fairly ambiguous prophecy told by three witches.
Although the witches triggered the series of events that later aid Macbeth
's descent into complete
insanity, Macbeth is portrayed from the very beginning as a fierce and violent soldier. As the play
goes on, several internal conflicts inside of Macbeth become clear. After he performs several bloody
tasks, the madness inside of Macbeth is unmistakably visible to everyone around him. As a result of
this insanity, he sees visions and hallucinations. Each time Macbeth more content...
The time has been/ That, when the brains were out, the man would die" (3.4.93–95) Macbeth is
talking about past murders committed, perhaps on the battlefield, and how the men died
immediately rather than haunted him.
Eventually, Lady Macbeth calls for the guests to leave, seeing as her husband has sunk into utter
madness and, in her own words, "displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting/ with most admired
disorder." (3.4. 132–133) Macbeth is now clearly losing his mind due to guilt and yet still plans to
go see the witches again. "I will tomorrow/ (And betimes I will) to the Weird Sisters/ More shall
they speak, for now I am bent to know/ by the worst means the worst." (3.4.164–166) He is still
being driven by his ambition despite his collapse into insanity.
Macbeth takes his trip to the witches and it is there that he experiences his third hallucination, a
four–part apparition that foretells his fate in an indefinite matter once again. The first apparition is
an armed head that tells him, "Beware Macduff! /Beware the Thane of Fife!" (4.1.81–82) Macbeth
has already had suspicions of Macduff and the apparition just confirms what he has already feared.
The second apparition, a bloody child, says, "Laugh to scorn/ The power of man, for none of woman
born/ shall harm Macbeth." (4.1. 90–92) Macbeth rejoices to know that no man will beat him that
was born of a woman, and he assumes that Macduff was born of a woman. The third
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Themes in Macbeth Essay
In William Shakespeare's play Macbeth evil is conveyed in many ways through characters, themes
and settings. Many themes are explored in detail contributing hugely to the sense of evil with
characters being used along with these themes to create evil within the characters. These themes and
characters are shown in different settings at different times consequently affecting the mood and
atmosphere of the play. In relation, Shakespeare uses characters in order to raise the appeal of
themes being presented. A character which has the largest influence on the play is Macbeth.
Macbeth is someone who is tortured by the pain of the words of those around him. Macbeth is
influenced heavily by the three witches who prophesize that he is going to more content...
She tells the sprits 'Come to my woman breasts/And take my milk for gall' so that she can get rid of
all the kindness within her–blood and milk form her breasts– Shakespeare uses 'direst cruelty' to
express the desperation running through Lady Macbeth and with this Shakespeare creates a very
hell–like picture for the audience. However, eventually Lady Macbeth persuasion overcomes
Macbeth and finally he agrees to kill Duncan. 'Let light not see my black and deep desires', this
shows Macbeths ambitions are not of good intention and turns to the universe to express this
ambition (about how great it is) It also shows that even though he wants to kill Duncan, the audience
is still finding Macbeth arguing whether or not to do it. Shakespeare also uses alliteration to
emphasize the amount evil involved in this deed. In relation, Shakespeare shows Macbeth willing to
jump the hierarchy of position. 'We'd jump the life to come' show the willingness to jump the
hierarchy, which instantly shows the relation to the archangel which went against God and the
hierarchy of Heaven to create his own land of chaos which is better known as hell. Moreover, Lady
Macbeth is shown with even more evil to represent her will for Macbeth to complete the deed, 'I
have given suck and know how tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would while it was
smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from
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Macbeths Downfall Essay
In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth, is a brave and loyal subject to the
King of Scotland, but as the play progresses, his character begins to change drastically. Evil and
unnatural powers, as well as his own passion to become king, take over his better half and
eventually lead to his downfall. The three main factors that intertwine with one another that
contribute to Macbeth's tragic end are the prophecies told by the three witches, Lady Macbeth's
influence, and finally, Macbeth's excessive passion and ambition which drove his desire to become
king to the utmost extreme. The prophecy told by the three witches was what triggers the other
factors that contribute to Macbeth s downfall. In the first act, the witches more content...
Lady Macbeth provides a scheme for Macbeth to assassinate the King. She is manipulative and
persuasive in corrupting Macbeth s judgement. "What beast was't then that you break this enterprise
to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would
be so much more the man." (Act I. Sc.VII) In this quote, Lady Macbeth is agitating Macbeth by
saying he is not a man if he does not do what he says he is going to do, which is to murder the king
of course.
This angers Macbeth and enables him to follow Lady Macbeth's scheme to kill the King easier.
Macbeth's first murder is definitely a trying experience for him. However, as the play progresses,
killing seems easy and the only solution to maintain his reign of the people of Scotland. Macbeth
becomes increasingly ambitious as the play goes on.
The witches prophecies and Lady Macbeth's influence intensifies his ambition and drives Macbeth
to obtain and maintain his title of Scotland by whatever means, even murdering his best friend,
Banquo. "Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown, son of mine succeeding. If't be so, for
Banquo's issue have I filed my mind; For them the gracious Duncan I have murder'd; ...To make
them kings, the seed of Banquo kings! (Act III. sc.I) At this point Macbeth's passion becomes more
and more extreme to the point where no one stands in his way. His greed, violence, and hunger for
power drastically declines his
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The Power Of Destiny In Macbeth
Shakespeare's Macbeth details the outside entities which hold complete influence in the title
character's rise to the Scottish throne and his following demise, ultimately arguing that we have no
power to create our own destiny in the real world.
Body #1
In Macbeth
, the most obvious entities controlling the title character's fate are the Three Weird
Sisters, meant both in the play and in classic myth to represent weavers of destiny. Evidence of the
sisters' ability to manipulate the future –– indicating that individuals have no control over the
outcome of their lives –– is abundant in their dialogue. When Macbeth meets the sisters deliberately
seeking wisdom for the future, the first apparition warns him "Macbeth shall never vanquished be
until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him. [." (4.1.105–107). When
he asks for one more word, the second tells him "Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of
woman born shall harm Macbeth." (4.1.81–83). Given these excerpts, it is clear the witches are not
independent agents playing on Macbeth's ambition and merely giving him the idea of murder to
become king, but are rather privy to information about his future. The power of the witches goes
beyond their power is limited to being able to foresee events. On the contrary, scenes in the play
highlight the power of the witches to cause mayhem within the lives of people. When the sisters are
first presented in the story, the first asserts "I myself have
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Deception in Macbeth by Shakespeare Essay
Deception is defined as "the act of tricking someone by telling them something that is not true". In
the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, deception is always present and things are not always
what they appear to be. In this great work of literature, the three witches; the Thane of Cawdor; and
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are the very embodiments of trickery and show us the true effects
deception can have on man. From the first scene of the play, the reader immediately gets a glimpse
of the deception meshed into Macbeth's world. The quote "Fair is foul and foul is fair" is a
commonly used by the three witches, spoken in their equivocal language. This same language of
vagueness is used when the witches encounter Macbeth and Banquo on the more content...
The depiction of timeless issues such as these is what makes the storyline of the play compelling to
me. Also, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both strong conveyors of deceit. From the onset on the
play, Macbeth is characterized as strong and loyal to his king and country. However, once the
witches' prophecy is planted in his head, his thirst for King is so intense that it cannot be quenched
and slowly his admirable traits are erased. When Macbeth is preparing for the King's arrival at his
house, he starts to question his murderous thoughts. He states that the King will be here in "double
trust" , for Macbeth will be his hostess and will also be acting as a subject of the state. How can he
possibly do such a grim task? The answer is Lady Macbeth. She lusts after becoming Queen and
living a life of fantasy and does everything in her power to persuade her husband to kill the King.
She questions his courage, she feeds his ego and she emasculates poor Macbeth all in an effort to get
what she wants disguised as what is best for him. When he agrees, she tells him to "look like
th'innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" in order to commit this regicide. Lady Macbeth, such
a beautiful woman, is actually a cunning, strategic and determined lady – so determined that she's
willing to risk everything and make her husband lie to the king and betray him. It's funny how things
are not always what they appear to be. In conclusion, the
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Macbeth Comparative Essay
The Power Couple Macbeth Comparative Essay Word Count: 1147 In Western culture today, it is a
widely accepted fact that men and women have equal power in a marriage; whereas in Elizabethan
times, a woman was dominated by her husband and she would have very little control over her life.
The leading omnipotent couple in William Shakespeare's Macbeth have a compelling marriage with
a power dynamic that is beyond the boundaries set by society at the time in which he wrote the play.
The directors Roman Polanski and Rupert Goold in their film adaptations of Macbeth, use
contrasting paradigms of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the power between the two that result in two
fascinating interpretations of Shakespeare's original characters. By more content...
The light voice the actress speaks with in Lady Macbeth's bold soliloquies create a feeling that she is
more curious of the possibility of success than craving for power. Lady Macbeth uses her feminine
qualities to gain Macbeths trust and sympathy. In the banquet from act one, she is nearly in tears
when Macbeth tells her he will not kill the king. By wielding her most feminine qualities she can
successfully get Macbeth to do as she pleases. She becomes pitiful as her strength and sanity
crumble at an alarming rate leaving her extremely vulnerable and sensitive. While working within
the same text, Polanski and Goold each effectively express different ideas of Lady Macbeth's
femininity. In each film, the change of the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are
essentially the same throughout the text, however Polanski and Goold use different cinematic
approaches to give each of their films a unique mood. Goold's militaristic, cold and malicious
setting creates a sinister mood featuring his hardened leading couple. One technique used in Goold's
film was the use of wardrobe. Lady Macbeth starts as a sultry temptress, dressed in a stiff dark dress
symbolizing the authority and control she has as she and Macbeth walk hand in hand to the grand
banquet in act one. As the film progresses Lady Macbeth is dressed in more feminine clothing that
expose her chest collar and
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Essay on Macbeth: Summary
Macbeth: Summary
Macbeth and Banquo, Scottish generals, are returning after crushing a rebellion against Duncan (
King of Scotland ), when they are met by three witches. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will
become thane of Cawdor , then later on he will become King. Banquo is told that he will never
become King, but will be the father of Kings. Macbeth is horrified, for shortly afterwards a
messenger arrives to tell him that Duncan has created him Thane of Cawdor as a reward for his
Macbeth writes the news to his wife. Lady Macbeth reads the letter from
Macbeth, telling her of the prophecies
. With reading this she chooses to invite evil spirits into her to
take away her womanhood, she wants to lose her tenderness that is more content...
After the Banquet when everyone goes off to bed, Macbeth murders Duncan. When finding out of
the death, Duncan's two sons fled fearing for their lives, Malcolm headed towards
England and Donabain to Ireland.
Macbeth sends two murderers to kill Banquo
, for he fears that the witches prophecies about Banquo
will come true too. Macbeth is scared and confused at the second Banquet celebrating the
coronation, for he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his seat, everyone thinks he is mad, though
Macbeth saves her husband from revealing her guilt to the guests.
Macbeth goes and visits the witches again asking for another prophecy and they tell him three
things. (1) to beware Macduff, (2) not to fear any man born of women, (3) that he will not die unless
Birnam Wood moves towards
Dunsaine Castle. Macbeth is later informed that Macduff has gone to England, so he then plans to
kill all of Macduff's family. Macduffs family are murdered,
Macduff hears of the terrible news and plans revenge against Macbeth.
The Scottish contingent are marching to meet the English forces led by
Malcolm and Macduff, to make their attack on Macbeth. Macbeth learns that there are ten thousand
soldiers after him and that his wife had died ( or killed herself ). The English army arrives at Birnam
Wood and Malcolm instructs each solider to cut down a branch and carry it in front of them to
disguise their approach. A servant tells Macbeth that
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Fear In Macbeth Essay
Topic: Fear is the primary emotion in Macbeth
THESIS: Fear is the primary emotion and the central motivating factor that influenced the outcome
of the play as it dominated and controlled the nature of multiple characters.
As the main motivator to Macbeth's actions, Lady Macbeth is a character whose ambition and greed
lead her and her husband to their inevitable fate of death. Lady Macbeth's relentlessness, as well as
her longing for power, generate an emotion of endless pain and suffering
EXAMPLE 1: Consistently washing her hands as she begins to feel guilt and remorse.
In hearing the prophecies of her husband, Lady Macbeth is intent on making Macbeth king
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Each new morn / New widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows / Strike heaven on the face, that
it resounds / As if it felt with Scotland and yelled out / Like syllable of dolor." (IV.iii. 2–8)
Macbeth's unfettered lust for power led to his biggest detriment, the transformation into a man living
in fear who cannot possibly escape this continuous cycle of trepidation. Though Macbeth may hide
these fears behind a strong exterior throughout the play, it remains a primary emotion and potent
motivating force in his life.
EXAMPLE 1: Macbeth's fear of the unknown and of the future has driven him to seek certainty as
his one objective.
This fear begins in the beginning of the play after hearing the witches' three prophetic greetings two
of the three prophecies have conformed to reality; this fires his aspiration to do everything in his
power to ensure that the third one comes true
Results in death of King
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Essay Macbeth by William Shakespeare
The pursuit of power and constant struggle to maintain it leads to the deterioration of the mind. In
the play Macbeth, Shakespeare demonstrates this concept through Macbeth's struggle for power and
his subsequent down fall. This is evident in his complete loss of honour and loyalty, his new found
constitution of duplicity and his lack of value for life itself.
To begin, Macbeth loses his sense of integrity slowly throughout the play until he has none
remaining. Macbeth is introduced as a valourous and successful general. His drive for power,
however, causes him to taint the perfect image of himself he has created. Once the witches flaunt the
idea of being king in front of the man, his natural impulse to gain power and prestige is more
Macbeth is hesitant before commiting the murder of Duncan and only does so after scolding by his
lady wife. Once the power he craved and sought to protect morphed his mind, he was willing to
assassinate anyone in order to protect it. He went so far as to send a professional murderer to kill a
woman and her children. This proves the human drive for power's effect on the mind. A once kind
man has become full of intrigue and plots, willing to eliminate any and all who dare challenge him.
His hesitations from murder and intrigue have been obliterated and led to the formation of a devious
and atrocious mind. Moreover, His newly deformed mind becomes inscenced with creating
unnesseceary plots and frivolous schemes. Macbeth is so blinded by his desire to cling to his throne
that he sees a threat in the Macduff household even after Macduff has gone to England to meet with
Malcolm. "The very firstlings of my heart shall be/ The firstlings of my hand."(IV,i,161–162). This
proves Macbeth to have become almost psychopathic while attempting to maintain his throne.
Therefore, the thought of simply losing power causes Macbeth's mind to deteriorate into a
psychopathic one, creating a variety of elaborate schemes and plots, leading to nothing.
Not only does power transform Macbeth into a monster, but also causes him to lose value in life
itself. Macbeth's drive for power desensitizes him to death and makes him
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Essay on Macbeth
Thesis: Macbeth's changing character over the course of the play can be seen in his roles a general,
husband and a king.
I. General
A. Early in the play he is brave
1. Captain reports
2. Duncan conversation
B. Late in the play he is ineffective
1. Fearful
2. Cornered
II. Husband
A. Initially close to wife
1. Confides in her via letter
2. Has pet name
B. Later becomes distant/cold
1. Tells doctor to cure Lady Macbeth
2. Feels resignation, not anguish at her death
III. King
A. At first is powerful
1. Malcolm and Donaldbain free Scotland
2. He succeeds in killing Banquo
B. At end is powerless
1. Fleance escapes
2. Malcolm conquers Scotland
The story of Macbeth is one of power at the expense of everything. The main character,
Macbeth more content...
He becomes fearful at the sight of Banquo's ghost. He pretends to appear brave by saying,
"Thou canst say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me," (3.4.61–62) Macbeth is
showing paranoia, a truly fearless General would not have fearful visions of those they have
murdered. Macbeth's sinful deeds not only lead him to be fearful but cornered as well. Siward,
Malcolm and Macduff reveal Macbeth's secret murders. Now that Macbeth's secrets are out and he
has no where to hide, he has to face MacDuff and meet his destiny. (5.8)
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Macbeth's changing character is evident not only in his role as a general, but also in his role as a
husband. Macbeth tells his wife everything and confides in her via letter. (1.5.1–14) He shares his
most intimate feelings and secret plans. Macbeth even calls his wife "my dearest partner of
greatness". (1.5.11) This proves the affection and trust he has in Lady Macbeth. When
Macbeth really needs someone to turn to, near the end of the play, he grows distant to his wife.
Macbeth does not continue to go to her for advice. He even tells the doctor to cure her of her mental
illness, and makes no effort himself to help cure her. (5.3.49–55) When Lady Macbeth dies,
Macbeth states, " She should have died hereafter. There would have been time for such a
word." He hears the news of his wife's death, and reacts nonchalant and unemotional.
Finally, Macbeth's changing
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