As a viewer of the film, what “emotional feelings” do you experience viewing these crowd scenes
with individuals showing such enthusiasm? In the film, we did not see the explicit expression of
the racial superiority of the German people, but since it is a propaganda film, how did the film
implicitly reveal this concept?
What reaction do you have to the music? Are the selections effective? What moods are conveyed
through music which cannot be effectively conveyed through narrative?
writing in movement
film maker controls what we called the cinematographic qualities of the shot not only what is
filmed but how it is filmed
factors: photographic aspect of the shot
framing/duration of shot
editing: graphic qualities of two or more shots /tempo at which these shots change/ timing of
each shot in relationship to other element
sound patterns of development/ lyrics/ tempo volume/ institutionalization/ cultural significance
newsreels/ feature length campaign films
true to reality short steady repetition