23 Evolution Exercises



The University of Hong Kong *

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Electrical Engineering


Nov 24, 2024





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-~ __ _ , .Ji/8 /i,liJte5 snd ftercises In~ - ~- ~~ ,-- - fXEROSE - f\'OJ.lf!'lOl'i . d E nvironm e nt slc'E -- Sc••"""· TL-rhnoloM sor1 etv an NOS ::::-: Nature of Science SI S c! ellt111C lr'IQUII'\ ' I , "s t ions that follow: I. Rr,d 1IK 1 ,;i »a :: 1,ci<" ' and : 11is"cr 11 c qu e- · "-=- 188 ,----- . f . 0 , ·s rn that lived thou sa nd s or millions f h "s il is 1h e ma rk or rem ai ns o an ° 1 od 11I 0 yea rs a ~ · - k I t that were pre ser ved after a pl an t . · 'go_ . . ed ~, rnie tossi ls are l eaves . she ll s, ors e e ons or an 1m al d' Othe rs are tr ac ks or trai ls l eft by rnovmg anirnals. · · The fossi ls pre serve d in the s trata of the Grand Canyon in Arizona provide a good _ _ _ . . exam 1 of the mcreasmg com plexity of Itvmg things. Strata near the bottom contain only . . p e f · pnm1ti v ossrl algae . Strala higher up contain fossils of invertebrates. Above which . e fi . . , rem am s sh b eg m to appear. Some of the upper strata contain tracks of such early la d . of h . . n ammal a mp ,brans and small reptiles . s as ( a) ( i) Whole plant and animal fossils are very rare. Give a possible reason for this (1 m k · ar ! (ii) Based on your answer in (i), suggest how an entire animal fossil may be preserved naturally. (2 mark s) . d'fferent (b) The pa ssage above has mentioned a number of animals whose fossils are fou nd m I t 10 flowchar s trata of the Grand Canyon. Based on the information provided, construct a ·k s) . . . ' (2 ,na, s how the pos s ible evolul!onary relattonsh1ps among these animals.
, . 1 , relative positions of the fo sn . ) 1 ic I s in the s tr at ( t' se 0 rga ni sms. However, th e act , 1 . · c a c an o nl y tell th e o rd er of oc curren ce of tlio . ..., l uc1 t1n 1 cs \V I 17 ae st h ow th e age of a particuj ,, . 1 .- , ,· ' icn Such oq.w , 1i 1, n1 1, ap rcarcd arc n ot kn ow n. S ll .:-c «t n ss i1 can h r . Exercise - EVi c uund sc 1cntifiu tlly. (2 marks) Total: 7 marh , ~a ny evo lutioni st s put forwa rd various hypothe ses to ex pl a in th e origin of th e long n eck of •· ,n odem g iraffes. The diagram below shows one of the se po s tulated m ode ls: Orginally giraffes had short necks. However, occasionally some long-necked giraffes appeared in the population . k d giraffes could reach the higher leaves on the Theselong-nec e . trees in times of drought and surv1ed better. J """,,. .. <,,i~~-~-- ,,;,,,,Ji#-,;a; ,,. , ,;,q, . ,_ __ , _ - . ff ·n the population had long After many generations, all g1ra es , necks. 189 ~ .-•
\IC==. IDO ( I nico ·k ,J 1 on g-n ec ked g ir affes 111 th e ancient ( I mark ; - · l d lona ne cks. . . . . a · ·affes in th e populatwn ia b c, p la rn '' hy e\ entua ll : a ll .::., II ( 3 mark s; (c) S cic nti <., t <., cfo,cov ered that giraffe spend almost all of the dry season feeding from low bu<., h e<., . w hil e only in th e wet s ea s on do they turn to tall trees, when new leaves are plentiful. (iJ Wh y is th is di scove ry contrary to the evolutionary theory mentioned above? (2 marks) r ii) ( ,i V(; two mo re ar g um e nt s th at ar e ag ainst thi s e vol t' . u tona1 y theory on giraffe necks. (2 marks) Tota/: 9 marks
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he passage be low and answer th e . vl,id t questions th,1t , . 11 _\, I' t () 0\V : Exercise - Evofution " first antibiotic, penicillin, Was ct· ,, -- -- flw lscovcrc I . ll · used to treat ba t .·, . . l 111 19 29 hy J\ I . , . . genera Y . . c eital tlll'ections , cs , . CX t11td n lc 1 11 111 g. 11 was t hen " cc i l111tially th e , ·1 · . · P ct: 1 i1ll y lh u "l' .. . 1 . '(reptoco · ' <lnt101ot1c Was , 1 . 1 . ,. . l dli '-l t hy , 111;1!1 \' / r,r ·n('('t and 1 . H c Cc t1 vl' , 1 . , · these bactena. owever, r es istan ,_ . . . cg i1111 s1 , ill so r1 1, nl inlcc 11 , ,n 1, c, ,u ,;;c d b )' . . ce to Pen1c1llin in S () , _ . . oanised shortly after introduction f h · rn c s 11 ; 11n s ol ,1r, 1 ,1 /\ ,f fir (J('( i wa 1., re c i, . · 0 t e drug . Toda ., .·. . . . Y as 80% of all strams of Sta1Jhvl .. y, t es is tan cc to r cn1c 1l lin <K cllr .., in a -., man ,- . Otocc r, s aureu .,·. Many chemicals can also kill bacteria ff . (a) . e eclJvely. But why are antibioti cs pa rti cu larly important m chemotherapy? ( / mar k) (b) In a bacterial population, some cells have greater resistance to the antibiotic than the r es t. Explain two genetic causes that may lead to this variation among the bacteri al eel l s. (4 mark s)
. - NS S B io lo gy -Intensive Notes and Exercises (c) Using the theory of natural selec tion, explain swp hylococci have become resista nt to penicillin. why incr easing number of str in s of (4 rnark s) ------------ --- Total: 9 marks 4. Sedimentary rocks are laid down in layers called strata. Fossils contained in successive rock s trat a can provide evidence for evolution. (a) What evidence can be obtained from the study of such fossils for the hypothesis of divergent evolution? ( 3 marks ) (b) Based on fossils di sc overed in North America in the 1870s, a sequence of species believed to have evolved gradually from Hyracotherium into the modern horse in a "straight-line" has beeil . ·t d from con s tructed. The diagram on p.193 shows the sequence of evolution of horse reconstruc e fossils obtained from successive rock strata.
C 0 tf T- l C: 0 ~ 0, ca u, E I,,. 0 ca G> ('I) ~ C: 0 .2 0, ca ·e u, I,,. ca 0 G> ,q' ~ C: 0 .2 0) ca ·e u, :i.. ca 0 G> (0 ~ Modern horse Pliohippus Merychippus I Mesohippus 'Eohippus H Height: 1.6 m Height: 1.0 m Height: 1.0 m Height: 0.6 m Height: 0.4m Exercise - EvollJtiOn (i) From the study of the fossil record of horse, scientists propose that the possible cause for horse evolution is a change in the environment from marshy land ' to hard grassland. Based on the changes in the limbs and feet 0f the animals, explain how thi s conclusion can be drawn. (3 marks)
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, 5 d their diet f rom I·ruit , d Exercise . d ch3n ge < .tr1<1 \ . , Notes an ' , im als h,, . h' d caused corr es ponding ·h 11 1\ l - tntenst\ e . th e cl ll . r d , et cl . . c.: a~ I . NSS gioJOgy' )ro pn sc 1\1 ,,t ·1 , ,n ae in th ct_ h ·r rn o\ars which mig ht h ave <le. ~t· . . ts a\ sC) I 1~ 1i e L ,, ~ . in t et <lilt \• scient , :-- . ,-,, sses- · 11 L - 1i ~ 111 g cs (2 .(\ ( ii ) ' 1 \I 11 ' • 1 C , rn_ I . \ ia l: l. ' lll 1n t1 ).l. i::- • \ fll'O po ss \ llr k ,J 0 s· u 0ULS · 1 -c th. · r:- ~ . \ \1 ' 1 \ l ,n l -1·1 -t ch: 111 ~ . \ he ' \ t\1 (' 11 111 ·, ----- 5. Thi." evo\utic m ary tr ees h ow n below clas ------ ----- · s A to E. sifies five specie A --- ---- -- - --- -- - Total: 8 mar ki B common ____ --,.. ancestor C E ( a) Wh ich pa ir of s pecies are the most closely related? Give a reason for your answer. (2 mark s! (/J ) All th ese rive sp ec i es belona to t\ , . . ut in . .. b 1e s, une tanuly Wh . . . . h to be P d 11l cre nt o rd e rs'! ' · Y 1s it 1mposs1ble for t em -~) ( 1 11101 --- ~ : 194
. rckism is an evolutionary theor Exercise - Evolution ~ il111,1 y proposed I 0 , r ·k dev eloped two laws to exph. ' )Y th e Fr ench l . 1 . 1 , 1111 8 c ' 111 evolution Th 1 10 og 1st Lamarck in 1809. , --------- . ey ar c cl csc ·1 J . . ~ -- · fl 1 cc as tollo ws: Use or disuse causes structure , t , --- - __ J. s o enlar ge ()1· l•I . k - - ·' 11'111 J[. All acquired changes were heritable . · ---- In an experiment conducted b W . - - - - - ( a) . Y eisinann the ·1 · successive generations. It was found ti. . ' · < II s of mi ce we re c ul r,lf o ve r m,rn y - . lctt th ere was ·. ·· , . . . the progeny . Explam how these findino . . no sig nifi c ant ch an ge 111 1hc tail .., ,;c 1Jf bs cont1ad1ct Larnarcki s rn . U rw1rk ,J ( b) How can the knowledge of genetics help refine Darwin's theory of evolution? (3 marks) . h d led to formation of new species. Explain why. ( c) Domestication of ammals by humans a (4 mark s) Total: 10 marks 195
. N , nd Exercises NSS Bk)iogy - Intensive otes a _ 1 b Mnr( ru li s in the 1 960's. S he l ooked, L 7. The Fndn -.,, rnhintil.' T li c\,r~ " a~ l'i r:-- 1 p rupnscl _ , y ~ li es o and propo se d that rnito c hondri cl.t a 11 . ' .. I ,-., l- 11k anL1 1 cs and nq _1, , 1n c . ' . a a nrj the d : \I :, ,11 ,, ,11 I 11 ro": 11 ~ i1 L , • . i.:hk1n,pL ,-.,1:-. d 1.' ' ch '\'l'\I f1\11l1 h~h·lcria . . . . 1 _. d to co nt a lll their own DNA . Explain h . I . I - hl()nipl as t : 11 c oun ow ro) n\,t h 1111 1,, 1. · lhmL I 1\ 111 a n1.. 1. . · I· ·eon the evo lu tionary rel . . t xovidc evtc enc a 1on sh· , , .-i 1. 'tHi '-l'- 111 : 1 ~ u:--- 1. ' DNA fingcrpn nlm g O I 1p l: . (2 mark s) 1 , c1 ,, L'l'l1 rnitnc h,rndrio n and ,actcna. ( b ) Scientists have foss il evidence of bacterial life on Earth about 3.8 billion years ago . At that time. the atmosphere of the Earth did not contain oxygen, and all life was anaerobic. It is sugg e5 ted that the emergence of photosynthetic bacteria had brought about the evolution of life forms from anaerobic ones to aerobic ones. Explain why. (4 mark s) Total: 6 marks
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