E1 Experiment 5



University of Central Florida *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Electrical Engineering


Jun 21, 2024





Uploaded by Ambassador_Water_Mantis4

Experiment V: Laboratory Partners: Roman, Mary Data Extracted Date: 03/19/24 – 04/09/24 Introduction: The purpose of experiment V is to develop working knowledge of small signal transistor amplifiers. Equipment: Oscilloscope: Tektronix DPO 4034 Digital Oscilloscope Function Generator: Tektronix AFG3022 Dual Channel Function Generator Power Supply 2N2222 Bipolar Transistors Breadboard Capacitors available in the laboratory Resistors available in the laboratory Pre-Laboratory Results:
Experimental Procedures: The ability to complete the experiment required completing the pre-laboratory experiment, that’s results are shown above, to build applicable theoretical knowledge of the experiment. Completion also gives needed resistance values for R 1 and R 2 . Following this the ability to apply this knowledge to the steps listed for both circuits has been gained. The first step was to build the circuit with the calculated component values. The second step is to find the small-signal voltage gaines of AV S and AV I . The third step required taking the previously found data and inputting it to find the input resistance. The equation is input resistance ≡ (vs peak -vi peak)/iS Lastly, the output voltage was measured with R L connected and disconnected then the output resistance can be calculated using the equation output resistance = R L X (V O – V L )/ V L . The steps can then be replicated for figure 2. Calculations & Simulations: Figure I: Figure Ia is a common emitter amplifier using a Voltage Common Collector and AC source to power the design. The diagram from the lab manual can be seen below:
In finding the theoretical calculations for this circuit the design was simulated in Multisim first. Once tested the theoretical voltage difference results would be found. The Multisim can be seen below:
Figure I as designed in Multisim Figure II: The next circuit in the lab manual was a emitter follower. The lab manual and Multisim design can be seen below:
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