phy 2 lab 3



University of Florida *

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Electrical Engineering


Jun 5, 2024





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2. Write down the formulas for the equivalent resistances R, R,, R., R;, R in row #3 of Table 1. 3. CalculateR,, Ry, R.,R;, R '+ using the formula in row #3, record the calculated values in row #4 of Table 1. Table 1 Resistances (K ) from Measurement #1 R | R | Ry R, R, R, R, R, R, R, measured resstanee () 12191 0.% | 046/ 0.9 317 | (1.66] 0.50| 462 | 347 |0 97 fonpula of A 4 +p _é_ - equivalent " . - . Q‘ 4R Yal L R+ R R, 4 ( resistance Req ! (Q\*Q,_\ p|{zl Q * fl;:& "'(g*“"; +é3 " calculated equivalent _ . " . ) l"] A L2 resistance Req ?’ OQ(K 2 50 4 C ?)4q (').qo‘ Note: R,, refersto eachof R,, R,, R.R,,R.R, inTablel. Questions on Measurement #1: Are the calculated values in row #4 in agreement with the measured values in row #2 of Table 1? Yes , ‘“"@‘j axe |n agreement with each pther. Caution: Turn off the power supply before you make connections. Don’t let the two output terminals of the power supply touch each other anytime. Measurement #2: Use Voltmeter to measure dc voltages across the elements in Fig. 2 1. Check that the DC power supply is off. Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 2. - 2. Turn on the power supply and measure the voltages: (a) V) across R, ; (b) ¥, across R, ; (c) V5 across the power supply. Voltmeter 3. Record the measured data in Table 2. 4. Turn off the power supply. Table 2 Voltages from Measurement #2 n @ v, () Ve (V) 2. 55 | 0 S. /50 Figure 2 Measure V|, V,, V Questions on Measurement #2: In Table 2,is V] =V, =V ? Why? IsV1+V2—VS‘7Why? Todo _Je becouse v+ s insenes oumd Hae voliage led Vi+V,=Vs olvops Past each vesistor within the crut. Measurement #3: Use Ammeter to measure dc current through the loop in Fig. 3 1. Check that the DC power supply is off. Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 3 2. Turn on the power supply to measure the current through the loop, record it in Table 3. Vs 3. Turmn off the power supply. Ammeter —L Figure 3 Measure current /. 26
Table 3 Current through the loop from Measurement #3 Ve (V) I (mA) 'S_-/SS /‘63 Questions on Measurement #3: (a) Can you connect the ammeter between R, & R, to measure the current through the loop in Fig. 3? (b) What value of the current do you expect to get? Why? (€S Yo Can connect ‘he ammetey petween R, k& Thevaluwe expededis T- Y - 5155 ) 630 R 2.9+0.9¢% Measurement #4: Use Voltmeter to measure dc voltages across the elements in Fig. 4 1. Check that the DC power supply is off. Connect the circuit shown in Fig 4. 2. Tumn on the power supply, measure the following voltages: (a) V, acrossR;; (b) ¥, across R, ; (c) Vg across the power supply 3. Record the measured voltages in Table 4. 4. Turn off the power supply. f ;i Voltmeter Table 4 Voltages from Measurement #4 R no v @) Vs ) = M T (%5 <. 55 S.155 VS—-L_ 7, Questions on Measurement #4: = In Table 4,is V] + ¥, =V 22 Why? Is ¥ =V, =V ? Why? Figure 4. Measure 1, V,, Vg V,=V2 o Vs becouse YL ciramt s in poaliel omot vhe VoLt obeops QLCYDsS +he resistors avk the some ond = 4o e wltnge oF +ne sourvce. Measurement #5: Use Ammeter to measure dc current through the loop in Fig. 5 1. Check that the DC power supply is off. Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 5. 2. Turn on the power supply, measure the following currents: (a) I, through R;, (b) I through Ry, (c) I through the power supply. 3. Record your data in Table 5. Ammeter 4. Turn off the power supply. R E @ - Table 5 Currents from Measurement #5 ! 1, (mA) I, (mA) Ig (mA) o Mfi}/\ _l S 306 2.9 L Questions on Measurement #5: Figure 5 Measure /,,1,, I InTable S, is [, =1, =1g? Why? Is I;+1,=15? Why? T,+T,=1, Since We Civeut © (N senes | V=V + vy eV, ok V= TR applying Hae Soume wreond to e carvent of & Cvoud N SOAES. .
Measurement #6: use voltmeter and ammeter to measure dc voltage and current in Fig. 6 1. Turn off the DC power supply, connect the circuit shown in Fig. 6. DMMI —)NXV\-— 1 2 R,z 2.mM ’_®_’)MM_ Is R Lsww | ' R, =097 A\ Is R RS Vi @DMMZ Az =040 Q‘f - 0.9¢ "= Figure 6 Measure Ve, Vo, Vi Vy and I, 1y 1o, 1, 1y, 2. Turn on the DC power supply. . Use DMM2 to measure the voltages Vg, 1, V3, V3, ¥, » tecord them in Table 6. 3 4. Use DMMI to measure the current /g, I,, I,, I, 1, record them in Table 6. 5. Turn off the DC power supply. 6 0__.&__?0/9 . Use relevant formulas (in Theory of Experiment 2) to calculate the voltages ¥, ¥, V3,V and currents 144 - O I, 1, I, I, 1,.using V=5V and the values of Ry, Rz, Rs, Ry in Table 1. Record all the calculated data ) in Table 6. 3.4%3 Table 6 Measured and calculated voltages and currents Measured data Calculated data Vs (V) S. 56 Use Vg =5V ]_—5 SR, n 3,25 2.122 T R s v, ) 0.4 6% 0. 9443 el v, @) 0.46€ 0.9%3 Tg Ry, —> v, 1) |- 452 /4014 > Rsxflz) 2% i 47 L 42 Pl R 1, (md) .47 143 = I, (mA) 097 0.45 =5 7, () 0.99 0.94 3 1, (mA) .47 (.43 v [ Questions on Measurement #6: Do the calculated values agree with the measured values in Table 67 yes ‘Mf\elj olo - Work to be done: 1. Check that the DC power is off. 2. You may tear those pages containing the raw data Tables out of the lab manual and used them as parts of your lab report. Let your TA check your raw data Tables. If they are OK, your TA will sign them. Clean up your bench. P 28
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