


Southern New Hampshire University *

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Electrical Engineering


May 24, 2024





Uploaded by ProfOtterMaster2426

Leonardo Anzola 3-2 Milestone 2 How does the macro UART_DATA_BINARY impact the UART? In my code, there's no direct mention of UART_DATA_BINARY. This macro typically indicates that UART should handle data as binary, affecting data interpretation and transmission. My code sets up UART communication through UART2_Params_init() and UART2_open(), focusing on basic setup without specifying binary data handling, suggesting an implicit binary treatment by default in UART operations. How does the macro UART_RETURN_FULL impact the UART? I didn't find UART_RETURN_FULL in my code, a macro that usually directs the UART to return from reading only when the buffer is full. Instead, UART2_read() is used in a blocking mode to wait for incoming data, not explicitly waiting for a full buffer but somewhat related in concept, focusing on data receipt before proceeding. What driver call would you use to write 10 characters out of the UART? To write 10 characters via UART, I'd use UART2_write(), specifying the buffer and number of characters, like UART2_write(uart, myData, 10, &bytesWritten); to send data stored in myData. What is the driver call to turn off LED 0? To turn off LED 0, the call is GPIO_write(CONFIG_GPIO_LED_0, CONFIG_GPIO_LED_OFF);, using CONFIG_GPIO_LED_OFF to indicate the off state. What is the UART baud rate? The UART baud rate in my setup is 115200 bps, configured with uartParams.baudRate = 115200; during UART initialization. This speed is a common choice for reliable, fast data transmission in UART communication.
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