What role does effective interpersonal communication play within organizations?
Before going into the effects of interpersonal communication, it is best to understand the basics of communication. Communication is defined as a process of sending and receiving various symbols with their attached meanings (
Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, & Osborn, 2014
). There are various ways in which we
can communicate such as one on one or one to multiple people and could be either one sending traffic one way or could be opened to having traffic go both ways between the parties involved. Interpersonal communication is where the information is exchanged between two or more people, so in any organization this plays a huge role. An organization has many workers with in it and there needs to have communication channels in order for information to flow. When communication doesn’t flow properly there can be issues that arise such as selective listening where some parties might block out some of the
information while retaining other parts or a problem of avoidance can happen where individuals will completely ignore a problem instead of confronting it (
Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, & Osborn, 2014
). Uhl-Bien, M., Schermerhorn, J. R. Jr., & Osborn, R. N. (2014).
Organizational Behavior
(13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Available from