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Applying Learner-Centered Principles
Bianca Silva
American College of Education
CI5423 - Community of Learners
Therese Kanai
January 14, 2023
Applying Learner-Centered Principles
As a teacher as well as a student, it is always clear to me that learning goes beyond just
listening and memorizing. it's more than just letting the information sit in your brain. it's
application, it's understanding, and it's transformative. I believe that being a student myself is
something that helps me to understand what my own students would need from me. This is not to
say that I'm perfect, and that all of my teaching is learner-centered and its principles, but it does
mean that I am able to try to understand more of how culture and background have a great
impact on the everyday learning of students. As mentioned in
Learner-centered environments:
Creating effective strategies based on student attitudes and faculty reflection
, it is time to move
beyond traditional classroom teaching styles. A line that stands out from this is how, “Students
are required to take on new learning roles and responsibilities beyond taking notes, listening to
teachers teach, and passing exams” (Bishop et al., 2014, p. 46). I want to ensure that my
practices are student-centered more often and keep in mind that the world is looking for different
people; I need to make sure that my students are ready for that world.
Learner-Centered Principles Analysis
Important to recognize that it is no longer appropriate to simply teach to students. As
mentioned in the directions of this analysis, there is more value to be taken from teaching with
students. Throughout this analysis I will make sure to discuss several questions and comparison
to the table one chart that I have completed on my own. I will discuss the ratings that I gave
myself, the practices and principles that I am having place through the lens of learner-centered
principles, and much more.
The self ratings about the Leonard centeredness of my classroom tells me that I am at a
good base and come up with there is still room to grow. Some of the ratings were difficult to give
myself because I may think one way, but I really don't know how my students are feeling about
this. It is in my expectations to hold high standards for them to ensure that they are being
challenged, but how do I really know if they feel like they're being challenged? This current set
of students is very open and vocal when they do not want to do work, but I'm not sure if that's
necessarily a challenge or if they simply do not want to work that day. There were a couple of
rankings that were difficult to agree with myself on Beyond just the challenge. For example,
when thinking about the category of Social influences on learning, I couldn’t help but think
about how ensuring students feel connected to their learning is a key strategy in engagement.
Caruth (2014) mentioned that “(2) Create a climate that is beneficial for students to learn by
demonstrating trust, support, collaboration, ability to relax, respect for one another, and pertinent
information” (Caruth, 2014, p. 5). This quote reminds me that engagement goes hand in hand
with learner centered principles. This is something that I try my absolute best as an educator to
do being on anything else. I want my students to feel welcomed, like they belong, and like this is
a space not only for learning but for growing.
As mentioned just above, the learner-centered principle that is currently having the most
impact on my students would probably exist within the social influences on learning. I say this
principle in particular because while looking at the factors, they are ones that I try to implement
as often as possible. I am always seeking to have my students work collaboratively and or just
interact with one another. My number one goal is to not only build relationships with my
students, but for them to build relationships with one another. A sense of belonging is the key to
being successful in a classroom. I often think about the hierarchy of needs. If students' basic
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needs of emotional satisfaction aren't being met, like feeling like you belong, then they are not
going to thrive while educationally. Beyond that, of course being able to freely participate is
something that I also work towards every day. I am not going to say that I am perfect at this
principal, or that I don't have days where students don't want to participate, or that all the
students love one another and have the utmost respect for one another, but I will say it is a
principle that I take pride in making sure is evident in my classroom and my instruction.
As I mentioned very briefly above, my own teaching style and philosophy contribute
greatly to my strengths because it is deeply embedded in who I am and want to be as an educator.
ensuring that my students' emotional needs are met is the base of who I am as an educator. It may
be dramatic to say that I care more about their emotional well-being than the grade that they
have, but I'd be lying if I said anything else. Yes, I am their teacher, I am there to teach them, but
no learning will take place if they are not feeling emotionally competent to go beyond their
feelings. I want to ensure my students feel confident and comfortable first when coming into my
room, and then the learning can take place. This is not to say that I am not teaching everyday,
because of course I am. But it does mean that within my practices I embed social emotional
learning, I embed opportunities for students to Showcase their own talents, and I make sure that
my students know that I am also someone they can rely on for both instructional and personal
Learner centered principle that I believe is having the least impact on my students would
be the nature of the learning process. It seems very problematic for me to say that this is the one
that I feel like it's impacting my students the least, but when looking at the factors for it, I just do
not see it happening as much as I would like to from my students. when looking at how students
should be taking away things and generating their own ideas off of it, I struggled to see that
happening with all of my students. I teach the advanced section of literature and I can see this in
those students, but from my general education students who are far below grade level this year, I
am just not seeing this as much. Especially when thinking about this idea of self-regulation and
personal responsibility and learning, I have struggled with that greatly this year and am trying to
see more of this for my students. So in all, I do see these factors in my classrooms, I just am not
seeing enough of them. They are incredibly valuable and I am not seeing enough of it.
What about your own teaching style and philosophy may hamper implementation of these
principles in your classroom?
When thinking about how my own teaching style and philosophy May hamper
implementation of the nature of the learning process, I can definitely see where I have been
negative. My mindset for this school year has been different than prior years of my teaching. I
just had so many more students than usual Coming Far Below grade level from test scores, but
then throughout this year have just not shown me that they are where they need to be as middle
school students both intellectually and emotionally. That is no one person's fault, especially as
the students are still coming back from the loss of Education they experienced during covid.
With that being said, I need to put more of an emphasis on these factors and ensure my students
are being given the opportunity to construct meaning from their learning. to connect their own
Ambitions to goals that they have. to really give them the opportunity to take responsibility for
their learning. as mentioned in
Cognitive & Metacognitive Factors,
one of the videos and module
one, “Learning almost always increases as the need of the learning becomes more relevant”
(American College of education, 2021). This concept factors Into My Philosophy as to why more
students than normal I feel are not taking responsibility for their learning. I feel students do not
feel that learning is relevant, therefore they do not see the need to increase learning and trying. I
do not want to sit here blameless, I am their teacher and should be making more opportunities for
them to see the value in it, it is just a difficult thing to do when I do not feel the responsibility
being reciprocated from them.
Teacher Centered or Student Centered?
The Standards I Have Chosen to Address:
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Andragogy originally referred
to the art/science of helping
adults learn. Today, some use it
to label learner-centered
education for all ages.
Self-Rating on Each
Learning Concept
in Column 1
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• Achievement of
standards in
accordance with
official curricular
scope and sequence
for a grade and/or
• Enough mastery
of academic
standards to
perform at or above
a given level on
tests at the end of
chapters, units,
semesters, and
school years
Competence in
applying new
Integration of
knowledge to solve
complex problems
understanding of
Development of
higher-order thinking
skills and learning
Optimal growth in
all developmental
domains including
emotional, social,
moral, and
My Rating: 3
Explanation: although it
partially feels wrong to place
myself in the middle of these
two, I do believe I fall more in
the category of a three. I do
need to teach these standards in
a coordinated manner with an
official curricular scope and
sequence for this grade and
discipline, but I also make sure
students have a deep
understanding of the concepts. I
aim to have them develop
higher order thinking skills and
take this outside of just what
we're doing and apply it
elsewhere. Again, I am bound
by this District to meet certain
standards, but I also know what
is best for my students and their
• Subject-centered
• Uniform
• Content-driven
• Use of textbooks
that align with
• Subject-specific
• Transmission of
prescribed subject
• Subject matter is
and fixed, and thus
not adapted to
Use of multiple
sources aligned with
Subject matter is
centered on real life,
real problems, big
concepts, and big
Relevant to
developmental needs,
social issues, and
real-world challenges
My Rating: 4
Explanation: For the curriculum
I rated myself four. Even
though I do have a District
mandated curriculum that I
need to use, luckily it is a really
wonderful curriculum. There
are several book clubs that
happen throughout the year, in
which students are able to pick
their own books. I am always
making sure to differentiate my
instruction for all of my
Learners as often as possible.
Right now we're heading into a
nonfiction unit and
collaborating with our science
department for
cross-disciplinary content. I
really try to make sure the
subject matter is something
students can connect to and see
in their own lives, or at least
use it as an opportunity to learn
about Windows and mirrors and
look into perspectives that
aren't their own.
Structure for
closed, and
Teacher selects
Scripted lessons
Teacher leads
and students
Teacher has most
or all of the power
and control
Students learn
from the teacher
who is the primary
source of new
Examples, and
Explanations are
primary learning
modes with the use
of incentives,
consequences, and
direct instruction
collectivistic, open,
and collaborative
Students and
teacher select topics
Students master
objectives at their
own pace
Balance of power
between teacher and
Students take
Students actively
learn from each other
and the teacher
Examples, Ethos, and
Extensions are
primary learning
modes with the use of
active student
learning, modeling,
and environmental
My Rating: 3.5
Explanation: This presented a
dilemma for me. I rated myself
a 3.5 simply because there are
things in the teacher centered
column that I feel I must do.
The topics that I teach are
preselected for me through the
District curriculum. Most of the
learning that happens is driven
by what I expect from them.
They are still learning things on
their own and given the
opportunities to choose topics
of their own, books of their
own, and pursue independent
projects, but when it comes
down to it I am the one
delivering instruction most of
the time. With that being said, I
try to create a balance between
us. I want to learn more about
what my students want to learn
and we often take the time to
discuss what matters to them
and how it could be
implemented into our
classroom. There are so many
moments of unscripted learning
that I enjoy more than anything.
The conversation just takes us
off the rails, but I know that
they are benefiting from it and
getting to learn from organic
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Teaching &
Teacher as sage
on the stage •
lectures and direct
Review previous
content and cue
prior knowledge
Feedback given
primarily during
whole group
Task sequencing
with teachers
leading guided
Questioning of
students tied to
content and used to
check for
adjustments to
diverse student
Inductive teaching
Assignments based
on student readiness
Scaffolding of
individual learning by
guiding teacher
Methods selected
based on individual
differences in needs,
abilities, interests, and
Guide and coach
on the side as students
made for active
experiential learning
cooperation, inquiry,
collaboration, service,
project work, and
real-world problems
thematic learning
influenced by
diversity of students
My Rating: 3
Explanation: This is again
where I fall more in the middle.
Because I am part of a district
that does have a lot of control
over what I am teaching and
what sequence I am following,
I do feel that some of my own
choices are limited and what I
am able to scaffold for my
students. We were told at one
point last year to not scaffold
dramatically as it would take
away from the curriculum
itself. Of course, I still ensure
scaffolding for my students. it
is just difficult to lean on the
more student-centered side of
this when there could be
consequences for me. What I
will say though is I always try
my best even within the
confines of this District to make
sure my students are exploring
learning. I do not want them to
feel that learning is stagnant
and just whatever is being told
to do, I want them to want to
learn and want to see where
inquiry can take them in their
Learning &
Passive Learning
Respond during
whole- class drill
understanding by
answering direct
mostly factual
Ask questions
about preselected
content only
May think
critically on their
own without the
teacher’s awareness
Adapt to the
teacher’s methods
Active Learning
knowledge through
Independent and
collaboration, and
cooperation make
Think critically and
creatively with
self-monitor, set
goals, initiate
Make choices
Create products
based on guided
My Rating: 4.5
Explanation: This is the
category that I most resonated
with being in the learner
centered side. With that being
said, I'm not perfect and
therefore will not be a five in
this. There are still chances to
grow and ensure that I am
making impactful choices in
their learning and activities.
What I will say though is I want
my students to be active
learners. I want them to engage
in the learning and understand
where it can take them. I try
greatly to have students work
with one another at least once
during my class to ensure that
they are able to think creatively
and critically with or without
me. We go through so many
goal setting and reflection
processes that even the students
may get annoyed. I know that
they are thinking about how
they have grown throughout the
school year and where they can
still make improvements in
their learning.
Grading &
and criterion
summative exams
and mastery
measurement tied
to uniform
without regard to
rates of individual
grading based on
Focus on
percentage of
students at each of
several levels of
and criterion
assessment with
measures used to
monitor progress and
Grades reflect not
only the mastery of
objectives but also
pre-post individual
Variety of methods
used including
qualitative and
My Rating: 4
Explanation: Braiding and
assessment is one category
where I feel the curriculum that
is District mandated is actually
quite beneficial. We use two
different curricula for my
department. One is Workshop
based, so a lot of the
assessment that takes place is
simply based on where students
are and where they're learning.
it is not comparative and it is
definitely not competitive. The
other curriculum that we use is
definitely more of a
standardized curriculum that
seeks for students to become
better at close reading and
comprehension. They are
drastically different
curriculums, but students
experience such a wide range of
grading and methods for both
my assessment of them and also
assessment of themselves.
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Context of
Learning &
Teachers have
limited knowledge
about students on a
personal level
Students do not
get to know each
other well
opportunity for
social learning and
social development
Reliance on
extrinsic motivation
support and
building limited
Teachers get to
know, care about, and
support students
Students interact
and collaborate with
peers of different
ages, cultures, and
achievement is
enhanced by strong
oriented with mutual
respect between
teacher and students
My Rating: 4.5
Explanation: It was so close to
rating myself a five in this
category, but again there are
still things that need to be
worked on. When looking at
these descriptors, it makes me
happy to see that most of these
are applied into my everyday
teaching in the classroom. One
thing that I definitely would
like to work on more often
would be looking at culture
more. it is not that we do not
discuss culture or that students
do not feel like they can bring
their culture into my room, it is
also just not something that is
discussed often enough or with
enough bravado. I really do
take pride though in knowing
caring about and supporting my
students interpersonally.
As mentioned in one of the explanations above, one of the curricula that we use within
my district is very focused on close reading. Along with close reading, it is very focused on
creating strong writers who make claims that are backed by relevant and strong evidence and
reasoning. This really connects to the standard that I have chosen because it is exactly the
standard that this curriculum is seeking to address in some of its activities. beyond what the
curriculum expects from them though, this is something that my school works very hard towards
providing solid instruction on, myself included. What I mean by that is the concept of writing a
claim, having evidence, and including reasoning is a school-wide goal to have all students know
how to write a CERC. A CERC stands for claim, evidence, reasoning, and conclusion. Although
it is a scripted writing style in the sense that it asks students to create a certain type of paragraph,
it really leaves ample opportunity for creative choices and expression. We choose to focus
specifically on this style of writing in my school because we have many EL students and we
have come to realize that this format works best in teaching them how to formulate a cohesive
argument as well as challenge our higher level or even just on grade level students to create
meaningful writing. I feel I work on this skill very often, even sometimes working on each piece
individually and on smaller scales. Sometimes we just work on even creating claims in our daily
activities without them even realizing it. They come up with evidence all the time without even
understanding how it can connect to their argument.
Based on my analysis in the previous part of this essay, the learner centered principle that
would help improve instruction in this standard the most, I believe, would be strategic thinking. I
say this because when looking at the components of strategic thinking, I see a lot of emphasis on
reasoning strategies to help them understand their own processes of learning and goals. I also see
a lot of emphasis on problem solving and looking back at what they're learning, relying on
feedback, and observing models. These are all things that I believe will greatly improve the
instruction on the standard. These are already things that I try to emphasize in the teaching of the
standard, but it is definitely important to recognize that this is a learner-centered principle and
that I could be implementing it more.
The other learner centered principle that I believe would improve instruction on the
standards would be focusing on intrinsic motivation to learn. This is just a standard practice that
students should learn, but it is definitely a learner-centered principle that needs to be more
emphasized. I try to work on intrinsic motivation with my students, but it can definitely be a
difficult task. A lot of my students are very motivated at this point and less learning motivated. I
don't think there's anything wrong with being motivated by grades to an extent, but I feel they
care little about the learning that's happening and just want the end result. I believe that working
on intrinsic motivation would greatly help the standard because it is a standard that is really so
useful throughout their life. Learning how to just make an argument with evidence to back it up
is crucial in everyday life. wanting to learn how to be good at it would definitely be a step in the
right direction for students being able to master and engage in this task as best as possible.
Based on my analysis in Part 2, I believe the emphasis on instructional goals based off of
the learner-centered approaches would improve my instruction of the standard the most. I chose
instructional goals because this is also one of the categories that I rank myself lowest in being
learner-centered. This connects to the principle that I chose above as well in the sense that I feel
students would benefit from having a deeper understanding of the concepts being taught and how
to problem solve on their own with new knowledge. I do believe that many of my students have
higher order thinking skills, but I do not necessarily know if I'm giving them the opportunity
enough to be able to Showcase them and practice that skill. A lot of my standards are based on a
predetermined scope and sequence that has been laid out with tests that I was not involved in
making. I believe working on this approach would benefit students because they would need to
know more of how to connect this standard to other standards, as well as just their own lives. by
spending more time on higher level thinking, hopefully they would learn to rely less on the
models and start to create stronger writing on their own.
In conclusion, being a learner-centered teacher is an incredibly valuable asset to both
students and the teacher.I wish I was able to sit and say that everything I do is learner-centered,
but it's not. Part of that simply comes from me not fully understanding the difference between the
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two and really having a lot of knowledge on what it means to be a learner centered teacher. I do
practice a lot of what it means to be learner-centered, but there are definitely teacher Center
practices that I still have in my repertoire. It is not justifiable to just place blame on the fact that I
must teach a certain curriculum, because there are ways that I can still be learner-centered within
that curriculum. I hope throughout this course that I can learn more of how to integrate more
learner-centered practices into my classroom and ensure that my students are being put first in
their education and that I am teaching with them rather than teaching to them.
American College of Education. (2021).
Community of Learners: Module 1
[Cognitive &
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Bishop, C. F., Caston, M. I., & King, C. A. (2014). Learner-centered environments: Creating
effective strategies based on student attitudes and faculty reflection.
Journal of the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
, 46–63. https://doi.org/10.14434/josotl.v14i3.5065
Pew, S. (2007). Andragogy and pedagogy as foundational theory for student motivation in higher
InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching
, 14–25.
State Standards Initiative, C. C. (2021).
English language arts standards " writing " grade 7
English Language Arts Standards " Writing " Grade 7 | Common Core State Standards
Initiative. https://www.thecorestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/W/7/