Primary audience: Who is your primary audience? Why is this audience the best first choice for your analysis? Why does this audience need to understand these ideas? How can this audience put these ideas to use? How will your analysis (and these ideas) change the lives or thoughts of the audience? Secondary audience: Who is your secondary audience? Why does this audience need to understand these ideas? How can this audience put these ideas to use?
The article I have chosen is Take a break! By Nicole Peluse. The primary audience for the article is seniors living independently. This audience is the best initial audience because many elderly may not understand the benefits of managing stress or where the stress could even be originating from. The primary reason that this audience needs to understand these ideas is if stress left unmanaged it could affect your health and overall quality of life. The primary audience can put these ideas to use by generating a routine and developing some structure to their day to day lives. My analysis could change the lives of the readers by educating them that they have control of their health in terms of understanding and managing the stress they could be experiencing with getting older and maintaining healthy habits. The secondary audience will be those serving as care givers to seniors and the elderly. I believe that this audience will benefit from understanding how to help the ones they care for to be more independent by offering ways to manage the stress in their loved ones or patients lives. The secondary audience will have the knowledge and information of the concepts to managing stress associated with technology in today’s world and how it could possibly affect the seniors in
their lives.