Topic 6 DQ 1
Mar 11-13, 2024
Identify the four types of listening styles and provide a brief explanation of each style. Which style best describes
you? Explain why.
Hello Class,
People can possess various listening styles and can apply a specific listening style based on the situation.
The four types of listening styles are; people-oriented, action-oriented, content-oriented, and time-oriented. People-oriented listeners are concerned with the emotions and feelings of others and listen with the intent to offer support for their emotions. Action-
oriented listening involves listening to determine an action. They like to receive clear and organized messages. While listening the action oriented listener is typically planning their action while listening. Content-oriented listening involves listening to all information before coming to a conclusion. Content-oriented listeners even encourage complex information
to be provided in order to evaluate all information available. TIme-oriented listening involves respecting and valuing time and want speakers/messengers to be concise and get to the point. For myself, I am mostly a people-oriented listener. I tend to actively listen, am empathetic, acknowledge feelings and frustrations and offer support. I am also at times an action-oriented listener in a professional work environment. I listen to determine what course of action I need to take to accomplish tasks or goals.