1. In the Oregon State University resource on business writing style, review carefully the table showing differences between academic and business writing styles. Choose a difference that you find surprising (or that you think might be challenging to remember and practice as you are learning business writing) and discuss
you find this difference particularly surprising and/or challenging.
2. The Lumen Learning resource discusses how email and other web based forms of communication and reduced memo use in workplaces. Consider your own workplace (or a similar setting such as an organization/club/team, etc.) you belong to or are involved with and discuss whether your own experience in the communication setting you have chosen seems to prove that Lumen's claim about the "death of memos" seems valid or seems -
premature, let's say.
I have chosen option #2, The Lumen Learning resources. My organization uses memo as a format of communication when sharing official news such as re-structure of organization, etc. Organization now uses emails, meetings and chats as a way of
communication within departments. However, I do think memo can still be utilize as an official form of communication. Memos are not used as often but I do think it still a tool of communication.
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