Name: Align Summative Assessments in a 30 Day Plan
Directions: Refer back to your responses in the Planning: Aligned Feedback
assignment from Lesson 3, Module 4. Use the information you included in the chart for that assignment to help you complete the first five sections of the chart below. Then, determine and record an aligned summative assessment that will measure student mastery of the learning targets. Use chapter 7 of Who’s Engaged? as a reference
Grade Level:
Summative Assessment Plan
Learning Standard:
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
Overall 30 Day Learning Goal(s):
Explain how a chosen chapter fits into the overall structure of the novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Describe how this chapter contributes to the development of the theme of the novel.
Week One Learning Targets:
Define the five components of story plots.
Week One Learning Tasks:
Identify key vocabulary as a class.
Feedback Strategies:
Use thumbs/thumbs down after each vocabulary word. Spend extra time on definitions with a thumbs down. Move forward when thumbs are up. If a
student or students are majority thumbs down, spend one on one time or small group time with them.
Summative Assessment: