What is the specific problem with communication? The
specific problem with communication in this scenario is
that command personnel need help attending scheduled
events such as staff meetings, briefs, and awards boards.
This challenges ensuring that important information is
conveyed and decisions are made effectively.
Does the problem represent an example of one of the
barriers that the articles that Dr. Rani and Lumen
Learning identify? If so, which one(s)? The problem of
command personnel not attending scheduled events can
be considered an example of an environmental
communication barrier. This barrier arises because
personnel are spread across three offices and have
various responsibilities in administration, intelligence,
operations, logistics, material condition, planning,
communications, and training. The physical separation
and diverse mission areas contribute to the
communication challenge.
What are some possible communication strategies in
notifying someone about the problem? Possible
communication strategies to address this problem include
verbal and written approaches. Verbal communication
could involve reminders during regular team meetings or
one-on-one discussions with individuals who frequently
miss events. Written communication might include email
notifications, event calendars, or memos to ensure that
all personnel know upcoming events and their