1/23/24, 6:25 PM
Quiz: W03 Insight Sharing: Teach a Friend
W03 Insight Sharing: Teach a Friend
Started: Jan 23 at 6:24pm
Quiz Instructions
In this activity, you will find someone outside of our class
and spend 30
minutes teaching
(counseling, discussing, etc.) the important doctrines and
principles in the Doctrine and Covenants that you have studied, researched,
and written about this week. This will give you experience in gaining
deeper insight through teaching
1. Identify meaningful insights
from your study and research this week that inspired you most.
Ponder why it is important to you or how it applies in your life.
2. Teach a friend: Find someone outside of our class that you can teach in a face-to-face or an
interactive setting. Spend at least
30 minutes
with them, teaching, expounding, and sharing insights
about the doctrines and principles studied this week that are most meaningful to you.
Try to generate a discussion about what you share and why it is important. Come up with your
own way to accomplish this or consider the following ideas:
Teach a family home evening lesson or talk with a friend or roommate.
Host a chatroom or email conversation, post something on social media, or make a blog entry
then interact in the conversation.
Skype or call your grandma or other family members.
3. Report your experience
by the end of the week by answering all questions in this quiz.
20 pts
Question 1
Did you teach (counsel/discuss) with someone, outside of class, in a face-to-face
setting, for 1/2 an hour concerning the important doctrines and principles that you
have studied, researched and written about for this lesson?